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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Monsanto Protection Act goes too far

By Holly New | April 8, 2013

Not too long ago, President Barack Obama signed HR 933 into law. Deep within Title VII, deceptively entitled “General Provisions,” lies a single yet terrifying paragraph known as Section 735. This little tidbit of the law “effectively bars federal...

Monsanto plant explosion causes evacuations

By Hailey Kurth | September 28, 2011

Witnesses reported seeing flames more than 100 feet in the air Tuesday after a gas leak/explosion at the Waterman Monsanto plant.At 10:30 a.m., a crew struck an electrical line while digging and electricity jumped to a gas line, causing it to combust,...

DeKalb water tower to display Monsanto advertisement

By Thomas Verschelde | August 22, 2011

The Monsanto Company is working with DeKalb to celebrate the city's rich agricultural history."We have been working with Monsanto to place the DeKalb Genetics Corporation's ‘winged ear' logo on the two open spaces on the Dresser Rd. water tower," said...

Seed corporation is a bully in court

July 12, 2011

In 1901, John F. Queeny decided to start a business that would manufacture artificial sweetener. Queeny named his company Monsanto, after his wife. Today, over a hundred years later, this Fortune 500 company has over 30,000 employees and over 500 facilities...

Genetically modified foods might not be as safe as you think

June 23, 2011

Right now, you can go into any grocery store and buy genetically modified (GM) food without even realizing it. GM foods were introduced into grocery stores in the mid-1990s and were designed to increase output of crops by allowing foods to grow faster...