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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Dr. David Stovall of UIC speaks at "M.O.V.E: A think tank" a program hosted by the Center for Black Studies in Cavan Auditorium on Monday night. Stovall spoke about a number of topics including the history of segregation in Chicago, and the public education system.

Student organization hosts unity think tank

By Kia Clair | February 19, 2013

Man of Vision, Excellence and Empowerment (MOVE) hosted a think tank session to bring consciousness and awareness in the community to African Americans on Monday. The Reunification of the Black Community Reconnecting With and Moving Toward Our True Nature...

M.O.V.E leaders gather by Liberty Bell.

M.O.V.E leaders gather by Liberty Bell.

By James McCarter | September 11, 2012

The leaders of newly founded student organizations M.O.V.E (Men Of Excellence, Vision, and Empowerment) gathered near the Liberty Bell in front of the NIU Convocation center after marching from the center for black studies. Co-founder Rasaan Akbar stated...

Rant: Wrigleyville should embrace change

By Tony Osborne | August 24, 2011

There have been talks of the beloved Chicago Cubs moving away from their longtime home on the North Side: Wrigley Field. For many, this is absurd and should be thrown out of conversation. However, I believe there would be nothing better for the Cubs to...