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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A two-panel oil on canvas art piece titled “Primavera” by Virginia Derryberry is displayed in the Portrait Exhibition Suite Gallery in the NIU Art Museum at Altgeld Hall. Derryberry's current work includes large-scale oil on canvas figure narrative paintings along with fabric/costume constructions. (Marco Alvarez | Northern Star)

NIU Art Museum holds portrait exhibition

By Sierra Usmani, Lifestyle Writer | September 5, 2024

The NIU Art Museum is hosting a “Fall 2024 Portrait Exhibition Suite." It consists of three separate exhibits, “Seeing Each Other: Portraits in Time and Space,” “Hold Still: Portraits from the Permanent Collection" and “Homage to Humanity: Portrait...

A photo of the East Lagoon and Altgeld Hall in the distance.

NIU Art Museum highlights Burmese art, reboots 2015 exhibit

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | March 24, 2023

DeKALB – This week the NIU Art Museum will reveal exhibits meant to be love letters to the passions of collecting art. Two new exhibits are set to open March 30 at the NIU Art Museum at Altgeld Hall. Before the exhibits open, a public reception will...

‘Stories From My Childhood’ exhibit to show events through a child’s perspective

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | November 15, 2022

DeKALB – The NIU Art Museum will host a “Stories From My Childhood” exhibit Nov. 29 through Dec. 17 and Jan. 10, 2023 through Feb. 17, 2023.   “Stories From My Childhood” is made up of pieces made by artists asked to depict transformative...

The NIU Art Museum held a closing reception on Oct. 15 for their two exhibits “Golden Legacy: Original Art from 80 Years of Golden Books” and “Everyday People: The Art of James E. Ransome." (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

Leonard S. Marcus presents ‘Golden Legacy’ lecture

By Laqes Davis, Lifestyle Writer | September 20, 2022

Leonard S. Marcus, an author and respected historian of children's books, gave an informative presentation on “Golden Legacy: The Story of Golden Books.” Over 52 participants attended the Virtual Illustrated lecture on Sept. 14 that took place on...

Faculty art displays hard work

Faculty art displays hard work

By Jamie O’Toole | January 26, 2020

Faculty art of various styles covered the walls of the Art Museum during a public reception of the NIU School of Art and Design Faculty Biennial Exhibition held Thursday.The reception allowed students to view professors’ work and attendees to bid on...

Art exhibit showcases faculty, staff artwork

By Jamie O’Toole | January 16, 2020

DeKALB — Composed of several events, a month-long exhibit at the NIU Art Museum will feature lectures and presentations from art and design faculty and staff. At their individual events, the featured faculty and staff will showcase their artwork and...

Upcoming events: week of Sept. 9

Upcoming events: week of Sept. 9

By Northern Star Staff | September 8, 2019

MondayNIU Archery Club: NIU’s Archery Club will be holding its first meeting 4 to 6 p.m. in Anderson Hall, Room 100. Individuals of any skill level are invited to attend. The first two visits are free, and a membership fee is required after. They can...

Guest curators to hold educational programs at Art Museum

By Northern Star staff | April 11, 2016

The Between the Wars: Contrasts, Parallels, Shifts and Patterns exhibit will hold an educational program from 5-6 p.m. Wednesday in Altgeld Hall, Room 315.The exhibit explores stylistic motivations, technical innovations and social transitions during...

The red crepe evening suit was one of the many fashion pieces featured at the “Art Deco and Women’s fashion” exhibit Thursday in The NIU Art Museum.

Art museum honors evolution of fashion

By Alexis Malapitan | April 11, 2016

The red crepe evening suit was one of the many fashion pieces featured at the “Art Deco and Women’s fashion” exhibit Thursday in The NIU Art Museum.

Artists deserve apology

By Andrew Houlne | November 3, 2014

On Wednesday evening, there was a reception held at the president’s office in Altgeld Hall to showcase the artwork of undergraduate students. An opportunity like this can be a boost to a student’s burgeoning art career and a way to build confidence...

Open mic comes to Vice + Virtue exhibit

By Katie Finlon | February 6, 2013

The NIU Art Museum’s Vice + Virtue exhibit will host an “open mic“ poetry night 7:15 p.m. today at Altgeld Hall. Participants are welcome to read a favorite poem of theirs or a poem that they have written themselves. However, the poems must follow...

NIU Art Museum offers trips to art exhibits

By Abria Martin | September 12, 2012

Faculty and students are encouraged to partake in the NIU Art Museum’s annual Get On the Bus trips to various local art exhibits. Jo Burke, director of the NIU Art Museum, began the Get On the Bus trips in 1994 for students and faculty to indulge in...