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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

McMurry Hall, built in 1911, was previously used as a practice school.

History’s foundation: McMurry Hall

By Olivia Willoughby | April 8, 2012

Paul Palian, director of media and public relations, said unlike other buildings on campus, McMurry Hall is named after two people: Charles McMurry and his sister-in-law, Lida Brown McMurry. Palian said after being built in 1911, McMurry Hall used to...

Local support group aims at supporting parents with special needs

By Olivia Willoughby | April 4, 2012

A local support group aims to help parents with special needs. ParentsWithPromise (PWP), 810 South Fourth St., is dedicated to supporting parents with special needs and helping them in court cases in which they may have their parental rights terminated,...

DeKalb goes digital

By Olivia Willoughby | April 2, 2012

The DeKalb police and fire departments have begun using Facebook as a way to reach the public, said Tracy Smith, fire department administrative sergeant. The city of DeKalb has created three different Facebook pages: the fire department, the police department...

History’s Foundation: Reavis Hall

By Olivia Willoughby | April 1, 2012

This building holds the majority of English classes at NIU, sprinkled with the occasional communications and other Liberal Arts and Sciences classes. Dedicated to William Claude Reavis, Reavis Hall was built in 1957. William Harms, associate news director...

City Manager Mark Bernacki and City Attorney Dean Frieders discuss plans to phase out subsided health insurance benefit for future retirees.

Concerns about insect infestation risen at DeKalb City Council

By Olivia Willoughby | March 26, 2012

Concern about an insect infestation was the DeKalb City Council’s main focus at a meeting Monday. The Illinois Department of Agriculture brought concerns about the emerald ash borer (EAB), an insect that feeds on ash trees. EAB program manager Scott...

Voter turnout lives up to low expectations

By Olivia Willoughby | March 20, 2012

As election judges expected, voter turnout was low for Tuesday’s primary elections. The 5th Precinct did not receive many voters, though election judge D.L. Morris said it was expected. “We were predicting this,” he said. “Most of the action right...

Sebenste: Spring break temperatures will not last forever

By Olivia Willoughby | March 19, 2012

The weather the DeKalb area enjoyed over spring break will not last forever, said NIU Staff Meteorologist Gilbert Sebenste. During spring break, DeKalb received soaring temperatures, reaching highs in the 70s and 80s. Sebenste said on average, DeKalb...

History’s Foundation: DuSable Hall

By Olivia Willoughby | March 18, 2012

At least once in their academic lives, students have had a class in DuSable Hall. Many, however, do not know this is a building named for an African-French trader who aided in the Revolutionary War. “DuSable Hall was named after Jean Baptiste Paul Dessables,”...

DeKalb in for quiet weather this week

By Olivia Willoughby | March 6, 2012

This week looks like DeKalb can finally recover from the storm on Feb. 24, said NIU Staff Meteorologist Gilbert Sebenste. Residents can also look forward to a much quieter week, with no surprise snowstorms. “I don’t see any snow in the forecast for...

Printmaking students to attend conference in New Orleans

By Olivia Willoughby | March 5, 2012

While some students might skip town for Cancun or flee the continent for a week in paradise, some printmaking students are etching their way down to New Orleans. This year, the Southern Graphics Council International (SGCI) will be held March 14 through...

History’s Foundation: Jack Arends Hall

By Olivia Willoughby | February 29, 2012

Jack Arends Hall, or the Visual Arts Building as it is more commonly known, holds two former faculty members at heart. Jack Arends, former head of the art department, was the reason for the Visual Arts Building’s existence, said Visual Resources librarian...

‘Back in Town’ photo gallery shows everyday life in Iraq

By Olivia Willoughby | February 29, 2012

He is “Back in Town,” filling a DeKalb gallery’s walls with colorful photos of everyday life from his time in Iraq. Trevor Alan Elliott shows his photographs at The Art Box, 308 E. Lincoln Highway. After serving in the U.S. Army for eight years,...