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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Organic food does not equal better food

By Parker Happ | September 18, 2011

Image is everything, especially for the food industry. Take a trip to Walmart and look at the many aisles of dairy products. Advertising portrays small town, independent farms with red silos statuesquely looking over full fields of neatly planted corn....

In Focus: One thing you would add to NIU’s Vision 2020

AARON BROOKSColumnistI would add a cup of coffee, so you can wake up. Why would you want to add 7,000 more students? First, massive renovations would have to take place on campus. There is already about the maximum amount of parking spaces, and I know...

Parker: AT&T should merge with T-Mobile

By Parker Happ | September 14, 2011

The merger of wireless giant AT&T with T-Mobile will prove to benefit customers wanting more from their carrier. If the merger occurred, AT&T would pass Verizon as America's largest wireless company with approximately 129 million customers compared...

In Focus: Sept. 11 Reflections

September 11, 2011

Kiara herring Columnist On Sept. 11, 2001, I sat in my kitchen waiting for my mother to make me a bowl of cereal. I went to the TV to turn on the Power Puff Girls, but it had been left on the news station my father watched the night before. I was looking...

In Focus: Should Congressmen tweet during presidential speeches?

September 8, 2011

Aaron Brooks Columnist Congressmen should not tweet during presidential speeches; it is disrespectful. Congressmen, you have not been elected by a majority of the American people, so even though you think you are better qualified to speak on such matters,...

Parker: How to get Americans back to work

By Parker Happ | September 7, 2011

Cut: ObamacarePresident Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act looks hardly affordable. The Congressional Budget Office reported that the first ten years Obamacare existed would cost $940 billion or almost $1 trillion to tax payers. Don't forget about the...

Elections length are just too darn long

By Parker Happ | September 6, 2011

It seems that you can't open a newspaper, magazine, or turn on the TV without hearing some sort of election coverage. Pundits and members of the news have been flocking to political meccas like New Hampshire or Iowa to cover the day-to-day politicking...

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? Yes.

By Parker Happ | August 31, 2011

Knowledge is power not only while in class, but also when deciding on a major or getting involved in campus activities. Students who invest two years living on campus could become more involved in campus activities and feel an overall belonging to the...