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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Senior wants to fuse science, service

Senior wants to fuse science, service

By Jack Manning | October 31, 2013

Senior biology major Bernard Chestleigh hopes to join the Peace Corps one day.Student Spotlight is a once-weekly series that highlights campus individuals.Northern Star: What is something you are proud of?Bernard Chestleigh: I’m proud of being the vice...

Students have chance to volunteer overseas with Peace Corps.

By Jack Manning | September 15, 2013

Students can follow in the footsteps of two recent alumni as they head to the Ukraine with the Peace Corps.Married alumni Matt and Kathrina Konfirst will teach English in eastern Europe. According to a news release from the Peace Corps., seniors should...

NIU alumni to teach in Ukraine

By Northern Star Staff | September 9, 2013

Two alumni will travel with the Peace Corps to Ukraine.Matthew and Kathrina Kornfirst, who are married, will volunteer as English teachers.Seniors are able to apply for similar trips for the future, though the deadline for applications is Sept. 30. Students...

Friday marks 50th anniversary of largest NIU student protest

By Hailey Kurth | April 11, 2012

It’s 1962 at NIU. All women must return to their residence by 10 p.m. daily. All dorms are single-sex buildings; opposite sex is only allowed in the lobby. Students over 21 wanting to live off-campus must live in approved housing by the university....