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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

TAILS of the Week: Ace

TAILS of the Week: Ace

By Courtesy of TAILS | October 9, 2019

Hi! I'm Ace and I have a question for you! Do you like sweet kisses, soft puppy ears, soulful brown eyes and waggily tails? Are you looking for an older puppy who is ready to please and eager to learn? If you answered yes, then I'm the pup for you! I'm...

Pet of the week: Marshmallow

Pet of the week: Marshmallow

By Courtesy Laura Lundelius | September 23, 2019

Name: Marshall (shortened from Marshmallow)Breed: Lab/Shepard mixFavorite Treat: Milk     Favorite activity: playing ball in our backyardTraits: Loving, loyal, entertaining, cuddly and a great sense of humor

Tails of the Week: Sonya

By Courtesy Tails | April 5, 2019

I'm Sonya, and I'm here to ask for your help, not something I normally would do. But I seem to be having trouble finding a home. There is a Queen inside this gorgeous body of mine and thus far no one has agreed to be ruled by me. Surely there is someone...

Pet of the Week: Rey and Blue

Pet of the Week: Rey and Blue

By Courtesy of Jeffrey Salmon | January 21, 2019

This is Rey and Blue. They are Keeshonds. Their favorite treats are anything with peanut butter, and they love to go to dog parks with their grandpa. Rey and Blue are crazed, cuddly, feisty, happy and cranky. Their owner Jeffrey Salmon is the Assistant...

Pet of the week: Easton

Pet of the week: Easton

November 5, 2018

Owner: Dylan Brown, junior secondary education in mathematicsName: EastonPet's favorite treat: Beef JerkyPet's favorite activity: Running around in figure eightsDescribe your pet in five words: Loving, Loyal, Sassy, Energetic, Curious

Pet of the Week April 16

Pet of the Week April 16

By Courtesy Michael Burns | April 16, 2018

Owners: Michael Burns, assistant dean and director of Admissions andFinancial AidPet Name: BeanieBreed: ShorkiePet’s Favorite Treat: Mini rawhide bonesPet’s Favorite Activity:Chewing on shoelacesDescribe your pet in five words:Beanie’s the best...

Pet of the Week April 9, 2018

Pet of the Week April 9, 2018

By Courtesy Laura Vivaldo Cholula | April 9, 2018

Owners: Laura Vivaldo Cholula, political science major and Erica Vivaldo Cholula, nonprofit and NGO studies and human development and family sciences majorPet Name: Juan Pablo MonteroBreed: Chihuahua/Mini pinscher mixPet’s Favorite Treat: ChorizoPet’s...

Pet of the Week: March 26

Pet of the Week: March 26

By Courtesy Maddie Katz | March 27, 2018

Owner: Maddie Katz, sophomore corporatecommunications majorPet’s name: AddisonBreed: Morkie PooPet’s favorite treat: CheesePet’s favorite activity:Chewing on her curly boneDescribe your pet in five words:Spunky, loving, independent, smart, protective

Pet of the Week: Feb. 26

Pet of the Week: Feb. 26

By Courtesy Claire Borbath | February 26, 2018

Owner: Claire Borbath, senior elementary education majorPet’s name: Bean BorbathBreed: Guinea PigPet’s favorite treat: ZucchiniPet’s favorite activity: Running in circles and sleeping in his food bowlDescribe your pet in five words: fat, cuddly,...

Pet of the Week: Oct. 23

Pet of the Week: Oct. 23

By Courtesy Pavan Veeramraju | October 23, 2017

Owner: Pavan Veeramraju, junior computer science majorPet’s name: HoneyBreed: Lhasa ApsoPet’s favorite treat: CheeslingsPet’s favorite activity: Honey loves cuddling and going to the dog parkDescribe your pet in five words: “World’s most selfless...

Pet of the Week: Oct. 2

Pet of the Week: Oct. 2

October 2, 2017

Owner: Sergio Nesti, business communications minorBreed: UnspecifiedPet’s name: BellaPet’s favorite treat: She’s not picky.Pet’s favorite activity: Sitting on yeti coolersDescribe your pet in five words: obedient, service dog, fast, loving

Pet of the Week

Pet of the Week

By Northern Star staff | April 10, 2017
