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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

There are many advanages of public schooling

By Cody Laplante | March 24, 2013

When a child is ready to start school, his or her parents have many options in regard to where he or she is going to go: Public, private, charter, voucher, home-schooling--oh my gosh, it is too much. In my opinion, I think there is one option with the...

‘Conversation and Cappuccino’ triggers educational dialogue

By Cody Laplante | March 18, 2013

As a perspective columnist, opinion is a big part of my job. However, I realize the importance of hearing other peoples’ opinions on current issues as well as my own. For months now, I have been aching to hear what someone else has to say about current...

Tenure a misunderstood tool for protecting teachers

By Cody Laplante | March 10, 2013

When it comes to education, one issue in particular comes to everyone’s minds: tenure. Whether you are in support or in opposition to tenure, people have very strong opinions of this process, which is said to protect bad teachers. However, the simple...

Sexual education is a needed conversation in schools

By Cody Laplante | March 3, 2013

Health class. I don’t know about you, but those two words bring me back to scenes of an overcrowded classroom as a teacher leads discussions on exercise, drugs and--of course--sex. According to the National Conference on State Legislatures, 22 states...