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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Officials host inaugural First-Generation Student Success Conference

By Taher Zeitoun | November 12, 2018

DeKALB — NIU and professors from surrounding colleges gathered to discuss the success of the CHANCE [Counseling Help and Assistance Necessary for a College Education] program and share ideas on how to best serve first-generation students. A first...

CHANCE Program celebrates 50 years

By Fathima Siddiqui | October 22, 2018

DeKALB — The McKinley “Deacon” Davis CHANCE Program is celebrating 50 years of providing opportunities to students in higher education.The College Help and Assistance Necessary for College Education [CHANCE] Program was a vision of the sixth NIU...

Pass/Fail: NIU offers help for going smoke-free; Students skip classes at end of semester

By Marilou Terrones | November 16, 2014

Pass: NIU offers help for going smoke-freeThough the Smoke-Free Campus Act won’t be in effect until July 1, a task force is compiling resources to help community members end their smoking habits.NIU administrators have proven they care about the well-being...

Don’t blow off state ethics training, waste resources

By Marilou Terrones | October 29, 2014

Completing annual ethics training doesn’t mean the training has effectively influenced employees: Some rush through the standardized training, which defeats its purpose.Some employees don’t view the ethics training as a serious learning experience...

Kathryn Olson, senior environmental studies major, shows two-year-old Eleanor Burlingame how to make paper-bag trees on Saturday at the Green Family fun day in Haish Gym.

City offers resources for Earth Week

By Erin Kolb | April 21, 2013

Earth Day is April 22, and there are many ways people can keep the environment in mind. Melissa Burlingame, program coordinator for NIU’s Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability and Energy, said saving energy is one of the easiest...

Chih-Chen Lee replies to an open floor discussion about the grade appeal policy at the University Council Meeting in the Holmes Student Center Wednesday afternoon.

NIU owed $47.3 million from state of Illinois

By Joe Palmer | April 11, 2012

NIU President John Peters discussed the university’s fiscal situation Wednesday at University Council. University Council held a meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room. Peters’ introductory announcement focused on the state of the...

Pause-Off provides resources for students dealing with domestic violence

By Colin Remes | November 1, 2011

One group that you might have seen advertised in chalk on a sidewalk lately is Pause-Off. Pause-Off is a peer educational theater troupe that acts as an educational tool and resource for students who may be dealing with issues of sexual assault and/or...

Budget priorities statement approved by University Council

By Candice Beasley | April 27, 2011

The Resources, Space and Budget committee statement of budget priorities was approved by the University Council on Wednesday afternoon during its final meeting for the semester. University Council Co-Chair Laurie Elish-Piper presented the budget priorities...

Providing information for pregnancy resources is not taking a stance

By Letter Writer | March 2, 2011

In response to Wednesday's letter to the editor, "NIU should not be taking a stance on abortion," --it's not. Access to abortion is a legal right that has been guaranteed by the decision in Roe v. Wade. The fact that an individual disagrees with this...