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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Stovall to deliver message at conference for social justice

By Roxana Moraga | October 17, 2013

The first Social Justice Conference Saturday will show students how they can change the future.The University Honors Program, in association with the Center for Black Studies and the Latino Resource Center, will host the Social Justice Conference.This...

Homecoming in full force on campus

By Roxana Moraga | October 7, 2013

School spirit is in the air as Huskies prepare for Saturday’s Homecoming game.Monday, the Homecoming Kickoff Rally was held at noon. Students were able to show their Huskie pride and meet some of the homecoming royalty candidates. Students and faculty...

Campus wears pink for breast cancer walk

By Roxana Moraga | October 6, 2013

Students marched across campus, pink balloons in hand, to raise breast cancer awareness Saturday.The John H. Clarke Honors Society, along with other campus organizations, held a breast cancer walk in celebration of those who are fighting the disease or...

Holocaust survivor wants story heard

By Roxana Moraga | October 6, 2013

Magda Brown is a Holocaust survivor and wants everyone to know it.Friday, Brown came to NIU to speak of her experiences as a 17-year-old at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland. Brown, who is now a member of the Speakers’ Bureau of the Illinois...

CHANCE celebrates 45 years with gala, awards reception

By Roxana Moraga | October 1, 2013

CHANCE will celebrate its 45th anniversary this weekend with an awards reception and gala.Started in 1968, CHANCE is a program that allows students who don’t meet all the requirements for student admission to attend NIU. CHANCE will mark its anniversary...

Jersey Mike's, 103 N. Annie Glidden Road, held its grand opening Monday and celebrated by giving away sandwiches to customers. "I'm excited for the grand opening...," said employee Tim Bretz. "This is the only Jersey Mike's in the area and we expect a ton of people to come in."

Jersey Mike’s partners with fire department

By Roxana Moraga | September 30, 2013

One of the ways Jersey Mike’s Subs is attempting to get out word of its Wednesday opening is with a fundraiser that will benefit the DeKalb Fire Department.In order to accomplish this, the East Coast sandwich franchise, which is opening at 103 N. Annie...

Mario “Kayo” Martinez, of Rockford, finishes up his tag work for the Unity Celebration sign on campus.

Campus celebrated through new unity event

By Roxana Moraga | September 29, 2013

The weekend’s Unity Celebration showcased diversity across campus.The Latino Student Alliance hosted NIU’s first Unity Conference and Celebration in the hope that it would bring the student population closer. On Friday, a celebration was held in the...

A screenshot shows a scene from sophomore computer science major Aaron Houillon's feature-length film "The Delta Vector."

Student takes on feature-length film

By Roxana Moraga | September 24, 2013

Sophomore computer science major Aaron Houillon is working on making a feature-length film.Houillon is seeking to make this film using the website Kickstarter, an online platform where users can upload project ideas and get matched to sponsors. In order...

Student Association struggles to fill seats

By Roxana Moraga | September 18, 2013

The Student Association Senate ballot may look a little empty come elections Tuesday and Wednesday.The SA Senate represents student interest across campus and serves as the voice of the student body to the university administration, but interest in the...

Study Abroad fair to be held in Holmes Student Center

By Roxana Moraga | September 15, 2013

 Students can explore the possibility of studying in foreign lands at Wednesday’s study abroad fair.The fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Duke Ellington Ballroom of the Holmes Student Center.Students planning on attending will ask questions...

Art exhibit explores social media’s impact

By Roxana Moraga | September 9, 2013

The Art Museum presents this year’s fall exhibition, “On Watching and Being Seen.”The show is open now and will run through Oct. 19. The exhibition explores the themes of social media and surveillance technology and their impact on culture.“Some...

Corn Fest welcomes students to DeKalb businesses, community

By Roxana Moraga | August 31, 2013

Students who stayed in DeKalb Labor Day weekend were able to participate in Corn Fest activities.Now in its 36th year, Corn Fest moved back to downtown DeKalb, to the delight of some locals. Corn Fest is usually held over NIU's Move-In weekend. Corn Fest...