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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU’s World Music Concert Series hosts the Middle Eastern Music Ensemble March 31 in the Music Building, Recital Hall. The Pan-Arabic music ranged from classical pieces to children’s songs from the Middle-East region. Instruments included clarinet, percussion, saxophone and violin, among others. 

School of Music to showcase student, faculty compositions

By Northern Star staff | October 22, 2015

The School of Music will hold a concert featuring instrumental music by undergraduate students and faculty composers next week.Several pieces from this program will be heard for the first time, according to an NIU School of Music news release. Ryan Smith,...

Austin Quick speaks to the Student Association Senate Sunday night, making his pitch to be the next Speaker of the Senate. Quick was elected by an 18-11 vote.

SA senate switches speaker of the senate, supplemental funding is handed out

By Kyla Gardner | February 21, 2011

DeKALB| The Student Association Senate voted Senator Austin Quick as speaker of the senate Sunday night after former Speaker Jeremy Peters stepped down Wednesday. Peters said he stepped down to focus on his academics and for personal reasons. “I appreciated...

Letter to the editor: Recent SA meeting was unconstitutional

By Letter writer | February 2, 2011

I just wanted to state that terms like "mutiny" are not overreaching when addressing the events surrounding the SA Senate meeting on Jan. 30. The actions of the new president pro tempore served as an outlandish example of everything politics is not supposed...

Points of contention within Student Association

By Jacqueline Evans and Kyla Gardner | January 31, 2011

DeKALB | The position of president pro tempore was a point of contention among the members of the Student Association Senate during its Sunday night meeting. Ryan Smith was removed from his position by Speaker of the Senate Jeremy Peters on Friday, and...

Promising new recruits for wrestling team

By Mike Buda | December 5, 2010

New recruits can either set up a program for success or set it back for a year. The NIU wrestling team announced its recruiting class for the 2011-2012 season with six successful signees. NIU head coach Dave Grant is in his fifteenth and final season...

SA debates drug policy group

By Jacqueline Evans | October 24, 2010

At Sunday's Student Association Senate meeting, three organizations were up for recognition, but only two were officially recognized. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) was debated for a long period of time. Eventually, the vote on whether or not...

SA finishes confirmations, approves last member

By Jacqueline Evans | October 17, 2010

DeKALB | The NIU Student Association Senate finished its confirmations on Sunday. One of the resolutions confirmed included the senate approving Robert Lausch as a senator at large, which made the senate complete. "I believe this is a great honor," Lausch...

Student Association confirms executive cabinet, supreme court justices

By Jacqueline Evans | October 10, 2010

The Student Association Senate met Sunday to confirm positions among the Student Association. The positions confirmed included the executive cabinet as well as the supreme court justices. "By having the senate approve the cabinet, we get the best appointments...

SA Senate begins for semester, welcomes new senators

By Jacqueline Evans | October 3, 2010

With elections over, the Student Association Senate is now in full swing. The senate held their first meeting Sunday night in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room. The meeting had many purposes; the biggest focus was to get new senators acclimated with...