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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Clay Campbell is a republican candidate for state's attorney.

Clay Campbell voted new state’s attorney

By Jerry Burnes and Lauren Stott | November 3, 2010

SYCAMORE | Republican Clay Campbell beat Sarah Gallagher Chami in a tight race for DeKalb County State’s Attorney on Tuesday night. Campbell received 53.5 percent of the vote, with Chami acquiring 46.5 percent. “I’m speechless,” Campbell said...

Editorial: Chami for state’s attorney

By Editorial Board | October 31, 2010

The Northern Star Editorial Board has chosen to endorse Democrat Sarah Gallagher Chami for DeKalb County State's Attorney. Chami's history as a prosecutor in the area, combined with her experience as Assistant State's Attorney in Cook County, qualifies...

Letter to the Editor: Chami an easy decision for DeKalb State’s Attorney

By Letter Writer | October 27, 2010

We have an easy decision on Nov. 2when it comes to selecting DeKalb County's next State's Attorney.Sarah Gallagher Chamihas the experience, expertise and community commitment necessaryfor the job.Her opponent, on the other hand, doesnot have the experience...

Candidates debate local issues

By Allyson Martin | October 20, 2010

Last night a debate was held for the DeKalb County State’s Attorney and the 16th Judicial Circuit Court Judge. Participants in the debate for State’s Attorney were Sarah Gallagher Chami (D) and Clay Campbell (R). The debaters for judge were the incumbent...

Former DeKalb State’s attorney endorses Chami in election

By Letter Writer | October 17, 2010

Who will you elect to prevent crime in your community? Orientation. For 18 years, Clay Campbell represented criminals convicted of murder, sex assault and domestic battery. Clay is a career criminal defense attorney. He did not put bad guys in jail as...

Police association endorses Chami for State’s Attorney office

By Letter Writer | October 17, 2010

The Illinois Municipal Police Association Benevolent is proud to endorse Sarah Gallagher Chami for State's Attorney of DeKalb County. Through her exemplary service as a felony prosecutor in Cook County, Sarah has shown the knowledge, perseverance and...

Candidates mingle with members of the public Thursday night during "Candidates Night" at the Egyptian Theatre hosted by the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce.

Egyptian Theatre hosts Candidate Night

By Taylor Thanos | September 28, 2010

The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce’s Public Policy Committee sponsored Candidates Night on Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St. Candidates gave opening presentations, answered questions previously submitted and ended with...

DeKalb Chamber of Commerce hosts candidates night

By Northern Star Staff | September 28, 2010

The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce's Public Policy Committee will be hosting a candidates night tonight at 6 at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 North Second St. The event is expected to last until 9 p.m. The event will start with a meet and greet from 6 to 7 p.m....