Editorial: Chami for state’s attorney

By Editorial Board

The Northern Star Editorial Board has chosen to endorse Democrat Sarah Gallagher Chami for DeKalb County State’s Attorney.

Chami’s history as a prosecutor in the area, combined with her experience as Assistant State’s Attorney in Cook County, qualifies her as the best choice to fulfill the needs of such a diverse county.

Chami is from Sycamore, so she recognizes the way DeKalb County and its needs have changed. She has declared her dedication to fighting exposure of violent behavior to children. Chami believes it is important to combat violent behavior early on to reduce future gang activity. This is an especially significant issue for NIU and we recognize Chami’s dedication to eradicating the violent behavior the campus community has witnessed.

The violence in the NIU area has become a problem that not only makes students and residents feel unsafe, but makes the City of DeKalb a less desirable place to live.

Chami’s belief that early intervention against violent behavior is the best way to mold young people into productive members of society makes us confident that her office will aim to solve the problems of violence early.

Her emphasis on crime and public safety is a good fit for the dynamic needs of DeKalb County.