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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star


Fill in the blank: My advice for the end of the semester is…

By Northern Star Staff | December 2, 2019

Stay organizedKyle Mathas | ContributorWhen it comes to the end of the semester, students can lose the motivation to do the work their classes require. Although it can be very difficult to do the work that the teachers give out, it is very important to...

Use syllabus week to ease into spring semester

By AJ Edwards | January 14, 2014

Start semester off stronger than everIt is time to abandon our winter break routines and apply ourselves to academics. This is not always an easy task.Re-adjusting to the scholastic routines we need in order to succeed can be stressful, but I assure you...

NIU should accept more transfer credits

By Colin Remes | October 2, 2011

Like many students at NIU, this is not my first institution. According to NIU's website, about 85 percent of graduates have at least one semester of transfer credits towards their degree. I would very much like to know how that breaks down, however. ‘Transfer...

Parking Services offers bikes for students to borrow

August 25, 2011

DeKALB | NIU Parking Services does more for students than help with their car and issue parking permits and tickets - it offers an environmentally-friendly method of travel.Parking Services offers NIU students, staff and faculty a free program called...

NIU should implement the trimester system

NIU should implement the trimester system

By Logan Short | April 27, 2011

Imagine getting off of school for winter break when Thanksgiving break starts instead of a week or two later, an extra week for spring break and fewer classes per period. These are some of the benefits that NIU would see from a trimester schedule versus...

NIU's semester schedule works just fine

NIU’s semester schedule works just fine

By Jack Baker | April 27, 2011

There are a number of colleges that employ a trimester schedule as opposed to the semester schedule (which NIU uses). While some people may want to switch, I don't see any benefit that would come from it.Knox College in Galesburg, IL uses a trimester...

It's still not too late to raise your grades

It’s still not too late to raise your grades

By Portia Kerr-Newman | March 21, 2011

Everyone knows it's crunch time when it starts getting close to the end of the semester. Most students think that, at this point, grades are pretty much set in stone. Don't worry; there is still plenty of time to improve your grades. First off, you have...

Sheena Warren steps up as new director of Women's Resource Center

Sheena Warren steps up as new director of Women’s Resource Center

By Amy Kreeger | February 15, 2011

DeKALB | The Women's Resource Center has some new leadership. The WRC's new director, Sheena Warren, stepped in this semester after previous director, Jill Dunlap stepped down. New to the university, Warren has more than 14 years of experience doing community...