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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Magical moments make a good song great

By Katie Finlon | September 24, 2012

It was just another day of hanging out with my friend and her family, and her father—knowing I’m a music enthusiast—asked me, “Have you heard of this blog called The Greatest Song Parts of All Time?” Nope, not entire songs. Parts of songs. I...

Top Five Chicago Artists

By Alex Fiore | November 15, 2011

Chicago has a deep and complex musical history, rooted in decades of blues and jazz tradition. As the years went by, Chicagoans saw local artists like Lupe Fiasco, R. Kelly, Rise Against and Styx grow up and make it big. But which artist is really the...

(From left) Josh Klinghoffer (guitar), Anthony Kiedis (vocals),
Michael “Flea” Balzary (bass) and Chad Smith (drums) make up Red
Hot Chili Peppers, the rock legends who toured their album Blood
Sugar Sex Magik through the Duke Ellington Ballroom before it went
multi-platinum. Oh, and Peal Jam and Smashing Pumkins opened the

No good bands play DeKalb

By Alex Fiore | October 17, 2011

These days, even Lollapalooza would be lucky to get Pearl Jam, the Smashing Pumpkins and Red Hot Chili Peppers on the same bill.Twenty years and one day ago, NIU did just that.On Oct. 17, 1991, those three future Rock and Roll Hall of Fame groups performed...

Is World is coming to town

Is World is coming to town

By Chris Krapek | March 9, 2011

Have you ever listened to Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness? It's something like that. Is World will perform at 7 p.m. on March 18 The House Cafe, 263 E. Lincoln Highway. The Motherfolkers and the Oxford Owls will also perform. Tickets are $6. Hailing...