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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

An image shows student groups and organizations at NIU’s involvement fair. The involvement fair took place on Wednesday and Thursday. (Austin Lamb | Northern Star)

NIU Involvement Fair helps students connect with each other

By Isabella Froh and Austin Lamb | January 24, 2025

DeKALB - Students at NIU’s involvement fair connected with each other to meet new student organizations and find out how to join. NIU’s Spring Involvement Fair took place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Duke Ellington Ballroom in the Holmes Student...

IN PICTURES: Checkmate with Chess Club

By Mingda Wu, Photographer | March 8, 2023

Pass/Fail: 2 Chainz concert proves Sunday performances fail, NIU expecting enrollment drop of 800 students

By Danny Cozzi | April 28, 2014

Pass: 2 Chainz concert proves Sunday performances failIf we need indisputable evidence NIU should rethink how it books performances, 2 Chainz’s flop on Sunday is it.I’m not suggesting it was good for students to see a lame show. Well, actually, maybe...

Students discuss success of flier distribution

By Leah Spagnoli | October 21, 2010

Students met again in the Stevenson complex sunset room at 2:45 p.m. Thursday afternoon to discuss the success of Wednesday's flier distribution. "Someone out there knows what happened. It's important to talk to people and find out if they've seen anything,"...