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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Precedent set with Ardern's activism

Precedent set with Ardern’s activism

By Ali Qazi | April 1, 2019

Leaders around the world need to step up in regards to gun laws and follow the example set by Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister of New Zealand. Arden has been recognized for her swift action regarding gun laws and for showing solidarity with the victims...

False claims of rape should be jailable

By Mackenzie Meadows | April 30, 2018

False rape accusations take away from valid cases where rapists should be tried and convicted. Those who falsely accuses another of rape, and later admit to lying, should serve time in jail.Rape cases can be difficult to prove since physical evidence...

Point/Counterpoint: Shooting prevention

By Mackenzie Meadows | February 26, 2018

Many Americans have strong opinions on school safety. On Feb. 23 President Donald Trump proposed we arm teachers to combat shootings.More armed security needed Mackenzie MeadowsPrincipals, deans and other office staff in every elementary, middle and...