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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tebow’s latest religious gimmicks are over the top

By Jerry Burnes | April 9, 2012

Tim Tebow is making a mockery of religion. He’s like Jerry Falwell meets Oprah Winfrey. He’s popular and a staunch Christian, and he’s not afraid to exploit either when given the chance. Example A: Tebow showed up to an outdoor Easter Sunday service...

The Rant: Broncos need to quit horsing around

By Matt Hopkinson | March 26, 2012

The Denver Broncos took one step forward, and two awkward clumsy steps back this off-season. The step forward was without a doubt getting rid of a half-back masquerading as a quarterback Tim Tebow. The first step backward was signing Peyton Manning. While...

The rant: Manning is ruining his own career, Tebow’s as well

By Brian Thomas | March 25, 2012

I would like to half-heartedly congratulate Peyton Manning, who recently signed with the Denver Broncos and became their starting quarterback. By doing so, he managed to ruin two NFL careers at once. Not only did Manning manage to ruin his own career...