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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

City plans new bike path

By Thomas Verschelde | April 24, 2011

DeKalb bicyclists may have new paths to explore in the next year. "The bike path addition currently planned is to be located along the north side of Fairview Drive between Route 23 (Fourth Street) and Heritage Drive," said Steve Maney, intern for DeKalb's...

Forum discusses possible Amtrack route through DeKalb

By Chelsea Ramage | September 1, 2010

The DeKalb County Amtrak Forum held a meeting Wednesday to determine a way to attack the two biggest questions that DeKalb is trying to answer: What are the priorities? What are the benefits about an Amtrak route through DeKalb? There is still an unresolved...

I-88 ramps to be remodeled

By Jazmen Dixon | September 1, 2010

On Aug. 26 Board members of the Illinois Tollway approved an I-88 Peace Road--ramp reconstruction project for both the westbound on-ramp and the eastbound off-ramp to Peace Road. Both will be completely resurfaced. "Each ramp will be completely remodeled...

Bike rentals a convenient way to travel around campus

By Ryan Chambers | August 25, 2010

Buses, scooters and roller blades are all options for getting around campus, but many students still travel on two wheels. "I think the bikes are great because I can get a nice workout while on my way to class," said Marcus Kincaid, freshman civil engineering...