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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

First hand account of maintaining a ketogenic diet

By Jordan Radloff | January 15, 2020

Going into the new decade I wanted to make a major change to my personal health. I looked up many methods on how to lose weight and decided on a diet that would be easy for me to keep. My experience following a ketogenic diet has been successful so far.Keto...

In Focus: What are you doing to prepare for your final exams next week?

By Perspective Staff | December 2, 2014

Blake GlossonFor the most part, my preparation for finals week is pretty typical.In terms of studying, I set aside time each morning to review my notes from lectures. I have also found it helpful in semesters past to create study guides from scratch to...

Students can find help with dietary habits at Campus Recreation

By Chelsey Boutan | October 25, 2011

Yogurt? No. Cottage Cheese? No. Peanut Butter? No. Orange Juice? No. Vegetables? Only if I have to. I began to feel embarassed as Martha O'Gorman, coordinator of nutrition programming at Campus Recreation, rattled off a list of foods to include in my...

Milt Westlake, owner of, Norway Farms Produce, rearranges his produce at the DeKalb Farmer's Market  Thursday afternoon. Norway Farms has been selling their produce for 15 years at this farmer's market.

Farmer’s market brings fresh produce, faces to DeKalb

By Mary Torres | August 26, 2010

DeKALB | At the farm stand for Theis Farm II, the ears of corn are marked with a large sign: "Picked This Morning." Every Thursday from June 3 to Sept. 25, DeKalb's Van Buer Plaza fills with canopies shading an assortment of goods and people alike. From...