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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Oddities and Curiosities Expo sign hangs July 20 at the entrance guests come in to see the marvels the expo has in store for them. Simons has attended the expo two years in a row.

Giant hairball connects humanity at Oddities and Curiosities Expo

By Ginger Simons | August 23, 2019

To say viewing the world’s largest ball of human hair with my own eyes was the highlight of my summer would be a dire understatement. The most hair I had ever seen at once I found in clogged shower drains or the backseat of my car after taking my corgi...

City Council appoints temporary third ward alderperson

By Northern Star Staff | January 21, 2019

DeKALB — Residents of DeKalb’s third ward welcomed a new alderperson Jan. 14 during a city council meeting. Joyce Stupegia will fill the seat until elections this spring.After former third ward aldermen Michael Marquardt abruptly resigned Dec. 6,...

Plain White T’s reveal stylistic direction for ‘Parallel Universe’

By Sam Malone | October 1, 2018

Tom Higgenson, lead singer and founder of the Plain White T’s, sat with a smile in his tattered Converse beside his bandmates as they talked about their new album, old memories and mechanical habits of the group before taking the stage Sunday at the...