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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Blotter 10/1

By Northern Star | October 2, 2012

The following was taken directly from the University Police. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. The University Police Department provides police reports on the Web at

Oct. 1, 2012

At 1:04 p.m. on Sept. 27, an officer was sent to Douglas Hall in regard to a report of theft. The officer met with the complainant and took a report. On Monday, the complainant contacted the officer to advise them the item was located.

At 1:14 p.m., an officer was sent to the NIU Police Department in regard to a report of theft. The officer met with the complainant and took a report. This case was administratively closed due to a lack of leads.

Manager in training, Chris Olah, assists Salvation Army customer, Stacy Johnson, on Friday evening. Stacy, of Shabonna, shops for toys for a family friend’s new baby.

Salvation Army helps children throughout the year

By Northern Star Staff | October 1, 2012

For the seventeenth year in a row, the Salvation Army helped children throughout DeKalb prepare for the beginning of a new school year. The Salvation Army provided for 1,207 children, more than double the amount of children served in 2011. Volunteers...

Amit Aher, computer science graduate student, speaks with Bill Jahncke of Allstate Insurance during the Career Services Fall Job Fair on Wednesday afternoon in the NIU Convocation Center. Allstate Insurance was one of over 125 employers in attendance at the annual fair.

Job Fair’s popularity increases

By Ryan Chambers | October 20, 2010

The bi-annual Full-time Job Fair took place yesterday seeing a significant increase in attendance, to which some are crediting the economic upturn. “It was great to see so many employers out this time,” said senior accounting major Robert Payne. “I...

City police blotter for Aug. 23

By Northern Star Staff | August 23, 2010

The following was taken directly from area police and fire department records, or from the DeKalb County court records. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. At 12:04 a.m. Sunday, DeKalb Police were called to Lord...