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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

More turn themselves in to police on charges related to Coffee Fund

More turn themselves in to police on charges related to Coffee Fund

By Northern Star Staff | October 17, 2012

1:40 p.m. update: NIU Police Sgt. Alan Smith said Susan Zahm and Lawrence Murray have turned themselves in to the NIU Police Department. Zahm is charged with three felonies and one misdemeanor. Lawrence is charged with four felonies and one misdemeanor....

Coffee fund investigation leads to arrest warrants for nine current & former NIU employees

Coffee fund investigation leads to arrest warrants for nine current & former NIU employees

By Kelly Bauer & Felix Sarver | October 16, 2012

Arrest warrants for eight current NIU employees and one former employee have been issued in regard to the coffee fund investigation. Robert Albanese, Michael Hall, Lawrence Murray, Susan Zahm, Kenneth Pugh, Keenon Darlinger, Mark Beaird, Joseph Alberti...

Allegations of misdeeds revealed

By Felix Sarver | September 6, 2012

Allegations of misconduct behind the resignation and retirement of two former NIU employees came to light in the Chicago Tribune Wednesday. Former Convocation Center Director John Gordon and Robert Albanese, former associate vice president of Finances...

Chicago Tribune reports on alleged unethical practices of Gordon, Albanese

By Northern Star Staff | September 5, 2012

An article in the Chicago Tribune today focuses on former NIU employees Robert Albanese and John Gordon and the different reasons for their leaving. According to the article, Gordon, former Convocation Center director, allegedly had a Convocation Center...

NIU spills the (coffee) beans on investigated fund

By Kelly Bauer & Felix Sarver | August 30, 2012

Update, 9:05 p.m.: Clay Campbell, DeKalb County state's attorney, said he knew the coffee fund existed before the announcement was made today. Campbell said he has an obligation as a state's attorney not to comment on an ongoing investigation. He said...

The importance of local newspapers

The importance of local newspapers

By Philip Case | May 1, 2011

At the risk of coming off as a self-indulgent, student newspaper editor suffering from delusions of grandeur, I would like to use my last column to talk about the importance of newspapers in general, as well as the Northern Star in particular. Before...

Good journalism still important as ever

By Lauren Stott | August 24, 2010

The first day of class invokes a lot of emotions: anxiety, excitement, dread. For many Northern Star staff members, fatigue set in this morning, after a long night of creating the first edition of the semester. No matter how you're feeling today, I hope...