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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Softball swept in Michigan

By Brian Thomas | May 1, 2011

After winning its last three games in a row, NIU's softball team was beat by Western Michigan in Kalamazoo, Mich. on two walk-off home runs. The Huskies (23-23 overall, 10-6 MAC) dropped back to .500 on the year, as well as in the MAC standings, falling...

NIU senior Zoe Sinner dives to make a catch against Loyola on Thursday.

Softball sweeps Loyola

By Brian Thomas | April 28, 2011

Mary M. Bell Field played host for the NIU softball team's senior night on Thursday against Loyola. It was a great night for the Huskies (23-21 overall, 10-4 MAC) as they swept Loyola (22-21 overall, 12-5 Horizon) in two games. The Huskies won game one...

Softball looks to stay on top of MAC West

By Brian Thomas | April 21, 2011

NIU's softball team is looking to continue its strong play in the MAC this weekend at home against Bowling Green and Toledo at Mary M. Bell Field.The Huskies (18-19 overall, 8-3 MAC) will play a doubleheader against Bowling Green today at 1 p.m.They will...

Tofft the model of consistency

By Katie Leb | April 21, 2011

It may have taken the fall semester for Stephanie Tofft to get used to playing college softball, but she has been on a tear ever since.Tofft currently sits on a 27-game hitting streak that began on March 4 in the first game of the Colorado State Classic.The...

The NIU softball team split a double header against Miami over the weekend.

Huskies look to extinguish Flames at home

By Katie Leb | April 13, 2011

The Huskies are back home to take on in-state rival UIC today at 5 p.m. at Mary M. Bell Field. Coming off a 3-1 weekend of conference play at Buffalo and Kent State, NIU (16-17 overall, 6-2 MAC) is taking a break from MAC action. The Huskies dropped their...

NIU softball looks to down the Irish

By Brian Thomas | March 24, 2011

After weather cut the NIU softball team's last weekend short, the Huskies are ready to return to the field against Notre Dame (16-6 overall) in South Bend, Ind. The Huskies (10-11 overall) have been showing signs of improvement lately. One reason attributed...

Softball goes .500 on West Coast

By Katie Leb | March 20, 2011

NIU softball took to California and Nevada for its final games before conference play begins.The Huskies (10-11 overall) came away with three wins and three losses during the break, while three games were cancelled due to snowy conditions in Reno, Nev.Play...

5 minutes with Zoe Sinner

5 minutes with Zoe Sinner

By Jimmy Johnson | March 8, 2011

As one of two seniors on the NIU softball team, Zoe Sinner is taking pleasure in her final year with the team. Sinner and her Huskie teammates had a successful trip to Denver, going 4-1 in the Colorado State Classic. The Downers Grove native took some...

Softball has strong weekend at tourney

By Katie Leb | March 7, 2011

Before heading to the mountains for the Colorado State Classic in Fort Collins, Colo. over the weekend, NIU head coach Lindsay Chouinard stressed the changing nature of the softball game, and the increasing importance of putting up runs often. The team...