Stop speeding

After living in the family housing owned and operated by Northern Illinois University, I have made a few disturbing discoveries that I’d like to make our community aware of.

First, many of the dorm residents and visitors in such dormitories as Grant Towers, Lincoln, Douglas and others fail to observe the speed limit of 20 mph. I ask you to please remember that we have our most precious treasures living with us and to worry about.

While many of us watch our children very well, it only takes one child to run into the street and one person to ignore the speed limit. Please remember that children do live and play here.

I don’t believe you wish to have either the death of a child on your driving record or your conscience.

A plea to Lincoln Hall and its Resident Assistants—while we understand that many of you do not have quiet hours until 9 p.m., we ask you to please remember that our tired children take naps during the day.

We appreciate your music, but please don’t play it as loud as you have, so that our children can sleep in the afternoons and/or evenings.

While we have already requested that the university enforce the speed limit and develop a permanent solution for this problem, we would also appreciate it if you would respect the safety and rights of your fellow NIU students and their families.

I thank you for your understanding and cooperation with these issues.

Irene Saponara

Graduate student
