By: Ethan Ernst, Opinion Columnist
Humans can’t work all the time; our bodies and minds need rest, and the quality of our work deteriorates without it. However, we also have limited time and the world never stops turning.
It’s tempting to spend an entire day doing nothing more than what one wants when a long break begins. One might think they’ve earned the rest and that there will be time to catch up on work later.
Unfortunately, this can easily become another form of procrastination. Students might initially think there is plenty of time to relax and keep up with work, only to find that not much is accomplished by the end of the break.
Not catching up on assignments during break can make the transition back to school rougher too. Ignoring work does not make it go away, and students who could have but did not catch up on their work during break will have to deal with it in addition to new assignments.
Even if students do not have work to catch up on, it can be beneficial to work ahead or prepare for classes to resume. This can reduce the stress caused by school and keep students’ skills sharp.
This is not to say that breaks should be effectively abolished; relaxation and social interaction are important for students. Instead, school breaks should be taken as an opportunity to work at a slower pace and with more flexibility regarding a student’s needs.
A slower pace can also allow students to ensure their work is of higher quality, improving their grades and comprehension of their studies.
Ultimately, working a little more during a break can end up reducing a student’s stress more than devoting themselves to relaxing can.
By: Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor
Some people may use the breaks from school, such as winter break and spring break, to get caught up on work they’ve been procrastinating finishing. However, while catching up on work may be a good thing, students should relax during breaks from school.
It’s literally in the name, a break should be a break. While this out-of-class time may seem like the perfect opportunity to catch up on assignments and work, breaks are a must for your health.
The human brain needs breaks to function properly and taking breaks where you don’t do any work is good for mental wellness.
Taking breaks also has numerous health benefits such as reducing stress, enhancing your mood and improving your physical health.
Even if you still do activities during the break, do something that doesn’t involve work like reading a book or spending time with friends. As tempting as it may be, don’t be a workaholic. Breaks are good in order to truly thrive in life.
Breaks may not come very often, so next time you get the opportunity to take a break, put your work aside and truly relax and enjoy it.