Top Five Netflix Nostalgia Movies

By Ginger Simons

With the college school year starting back up again, I personally have found my mind drifting back to a simpler time, where homework could be finished in a few hours and classes were only a hallway away from each other. When I think back on high school, I also can’t help but reflect on the movies that shaped my idea of what high school would be like. Even though many of them were unrealistic, they’re still fun to curl up to with a bag of microwave popcorn while putting off the cruel reality of college schoolwork. So, without further ado, here are my top five high school nostalgia movies, all of which can be streamed on Netflix.

1. “A Cinderella Story” (2004)


Oh, Hillary Duff, my first celebrity idol. “A Cinderella Story” is a heart wrenching tale of loss, teen confusion and cute boys: a definitely fun nostalgic watch. Selena Gomez’s “Another Cinderella Story” has nothing on Duffy.

2. “High School Musical” (2006) & “High School Musical 2” (2007)


Yes, you heard me right, folks. Both “High School Musical” and “High School Musical 2.” So get settled in for a slam dunk of a double feature, with bonus points to anyone who can still remember the dance movies for “Getcha’ Head In the Game.”

3. “Heathers” (1988)


Here we’ve got a more retro classic. While many people have been introduced to “Heathers” via the more recent Broadway musical, the movie deserves major cred. Surely I can’t be the only one who had a short-lived goth wannabe phase inspired by Winona Ryder, right?

4. “Cadet Kelly” (2002)


Hilary Duff makes the list once again! I might as well just pop in my old Lizzie McGuire box set while I’m at it. (What, doesn’t everyone have one of those? No? Just me? Okay.) This movie actually made military school look pretty hip, though I’m pretty sure my ten-year-old self would be in for a rude awakening. 

5. “The Cheetah Girls” (2003)


Amigas… cheetahs… friends for life. If you say that you haven’t taken at least one “Which Cheetah Girl Are You?” quiz on your family’s desktop computer when you were supposed to be doing your homework, you’re lying. (I’m Aqua, in case anybody was wondering.)