The House Café to be renovated under new ownership
Front doors to the House Café.
August 27, 2016
DeKALB | The House Café, 263 E. Lincoln Highway, announced the cafe is closed for renovations and is under new ownership, via a sign on their door.
This is the second time in two weeks the cafe has communicated to patrons about their establishment via a sign on their door.
The first announcement was made Aug. 11 telling patrons the cafe was “Closed today,” only to announce a permanent closing two days later under the ownership of the Fausetts.
The cafe opened in 2000 and has since gone through five owners.
Brian Fausett, former co-owner of The House Café, declined to comment on the sign.
Fausett said he doesn’t know who the new owner is.
The Fausett’s signed a lease for the cafe on March 18, 2014, after hearing about an ongoing financial issue Jan Pascolini, former owner of The House Cafe, had which caused her to sell the cafe.
The Fausett’s signed the lease with NIU Associate Professor Fareed Haque. Haque bought the cafe after Sven Hansen could no longer keep the cafe running due to financial difficulties in 2005, according to a Aug. 23, 2010 Northern Star article.
Hansen created The House Cafe in 2000 and focused on the cafe’s food. John Ugolini, booker, began to book bands to play at the cafe in 2003.