Baker Report highlights staff initiative

By Madison Kacer

NIU President Doug Baker focused on the recently founded LIVE initiative in his Thursday Baker Report. The initiative, recently founded by six staff members explores the meaning behind “ethically inspired leadership” – one of Baker’s pillars of Student Career Success.

One of the pioneers of the program is BELIEF Program Director Bill McCoy. McCoy worked alongside five colleagues: Steve Daskal, associate professor of philosophy; Christine Kiracofe, associate professor of leadership, educational psychology and foundations; Pam Smith, KPMG professor of accountancy; Toni Tollerud, interim associate dean in the College of Education and Michael Stang, assistant vice pres. of Student Affairs.

“The qualities that Bill and his group identified from their research are not heights to which we should aspire but characteristics that already exist here,” Baker said.

For more information on the LIVE initiative go to