Louie to take hiatus bad news for FX

By Kevin Bartelt

One of the funniest TV shows right now just announced it’s taking a hiatus for two years.

Comedian Louis C.K. said his show, Louie, will not be making new episodes until 2014. According to RollingStone.com, C.K. said, “I want the show to keep getting better. I want Season Four to go somewhere new.”

I respect that he knows that if he makes another season right now, it wouldn’t be very good (although that’s debatable).

However, I do not approve of this, because the closest thing to funny now on FX is Two and a Half Men. I have mixed feelings about that show because, although the writing is good, it’s been going on too long. Two words: Ashton Kutcher. Google his name right now, and look at the picture that comes up. Seriously? What is this, your 7th grade MySpace pic, Ashton? You’re 34!

Louie is hysterical. It’s a more aggressive/funnier Seinfeld. C.K. writes, produces, directs and acts in the show. He creates the show on his laptop, too! There are some cool Nightline interviews that I highly recommend you check out.

If you have a Netflix account and an hour to kill, watch this show. You’ll have a new appreciation for humor, I promise.