Occupy Wall Street will fail

By Joe Palmer

Occupy Wall Street is dead. Correction: Occupy Wall Street has never lived.

For too long, America has been focused on this sad excuse of a protest. Occupy has accomplished nothing beyond ruining the beauty of a few park areas and laying waste to the strong tradition of effective American protests. I am not, nor will I ever be, against protesting for a just cause, and I do believe that Wall Street needs heavy reform.

However, I refuse to believe that camping out in a massively unorganized mess while racking up noise violations is an effective way to bring about that change. I also refuse to believe that Wall Street has any incentive to listen to a group that cannot publish a list of demands or elect a representative to speak on the movement’s behalf. I understand that Occupy believes in collective organization, but I also understand that such a design is bound to fail when trying to create such massive reforms. Women’s suffragists had Alice Paul and civil rights activists had Martin Luther King Jr. Occupy Wall Street has no message, no leader and no hope for success without fundamental changes to their organization.

On Sept. 17, 185 people were arrested at a demonstration for the one-year anniversary of Occupy’s foundation. They join the hundreds of others that have been arrested in connection with this movement. All Occupy has managed to do is get cited, evicted or arrested. No change has occurred over the past year and the 99 percent is still the 99 percent. If you want reform—and I believe a tremendous amount of Americans do—it will start with Congress. So next time you feel like grabbing a bullhorn, grab a cellphone instead.

Occupy, by it’s very design, will fail. It’s time to let it die.