There are ‘sleazebags’ on both sides of the aisle

In regards to the debate on repealing Obamacare, I would like to comment on the perception that the GOP is full of sleazebags. I would agree that some of them do slide under doors when entering a room.

However, I seem to recall a certain Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, who was supposed to oversee this whole reform but could not get confirmed due to his inability to comprehend the tax code, let alone pay his taxes.

Didn’t Nancy Pelosi say we needed to pass it before we knew what was in it? Wasn’t it the left-leaning editorial boards from The Nation and the New York Times who were the biggest proponents of Obamacare, citing that it will “bring down the deficit,” which the Congressional Budget Office totally debunked?

Both sides were way off. Obamacare has some good and bad provisions, which your more level-headed colleagues pointed out.

As for the missing jobs from the tax cuts, I have an idea. I suggest you should become a neighborhood postman. First, it’s a government job (the left loves government jobs). Second, you can go around all day telling people how sleazy the GOP is while still handing out mail (good outdoor exercise, another leftist passion). Third, I will be able to personally thank you for handing me my tax refund check, which will be used to fuel my hybrid car (global warming: the left’s raison d’etre).

Mr. [Aaron] Brooks, is everything I write fact?

Paul Fribert

senior political science major