Rant: NIU doesn’t always prepare you to have your face on the side of a semi


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It’s that time of the year again.

You know, where the university congratulates all of those who have spent four, five, maybe six years of their life gaining an education.

But the point of college isn’t to get a piece of paper that says: “Kudos, you completed 120 credit hours.” Instead, college is supposed to provide you with the tools to be successful in life. Critical thinking, examining questions, problem solving, beer pong — you know, all the good skills you need in life. These are the things college teaches you.

But there’s no way NIU could have prepared its graduates for this.

Former Northern Star sports editor Sean Ostruszka, a 2007 NIU graduate, is a successful writer for a fishing magazine.

In response to his success, the company decided to put Ostruszka’s face on the side of two semis that will be traveling the country to different fishing events.

NIU has prepared me and others for a lot in life, but in no way has it prepared me to see this ugly mug as I travel the country during my summer road trip.

Children all across America will now have nightmares because of this semi.

So as many of us get ready to graduate, let us remember that education is never done; we’ll always have to be ready to overcome new feats — like looking at this ugly guy on the side of a truck.