Taekwondo classes benefit whole body

By Megan Rodriguez

The martial art Taekwondo benefits both the body and the mind.

Andrew Stabe, a senior studio art design student, teaches Taekwondo at Chick Evans Field House. Stabe said participants who take Taekwondo typically notice improved focus along with increased muscle tone.

“Taekwondo is a martial art that incorporates every muscle in the entire body, which is why it demands such focus in order to execute it correctly,” Stabe said.

Sport Taekwondo is taught Monday and Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:15 and is free to all NIU students. Taekwondo is developed so that anyone can do it regardless of age, experience or physical attributes, Stabe said.

Campus recreation coordinator Becky Lewis said the Campus Recreation Center tries to diversify the programs and classes they offer to students.

“Group exercise isn’t just about aerobic dance, step and kickboxing,” Lewis said. “There are a variety of ways a person can exercise, and sport Taekwondo is another form of group exercise.”

Sara Curry, a junior health administration major, took karate when she was younger. Curry said she enjoyed the class so much that when she became older she wanted to relearn her kicks and punches.

“The great thing about Andrew’s workout is that it’s a full body workout,” Curry said. “He focuses on toning the upper body by doing different sequence punches and the lower body by alternating kicking techniques.”

Lewis said the class is valuable to students because Stabe is an experienced instructor who is capable of pushing the participants to grow and learn as martial arts students and improve their physical fitness.

“Not everyone wants to exercise to loud music and jump around,” Lewis said. “Some would prefer an activity that could also transfer class skills into daily living.”

Stabe said the small class is not geared toward the sole practice of teaching Taekwondo, but rather it is a hybrid class that incorporates the techniques taught in a traditional Taekwondo class combined in a way to be non-repetitive and engaging.

“Overall, when I walk out of the class, I feel that my muscles are more toned,” Curry said. “I enjoy taking this class because Andrew is a great teacher and helps everyone to perfect their kicks and punches. His class is a great way to relieve stress and it gives me a some confidence in defending myself.”