Keepin’ Resolutions Real

By Jessie Coello

New Year’s came and went and you vowed to make a change. “No more snacking and fast food,” you said. “And I’m hitting the Rec too!”

Nice job for making a New Year’s resolution like so many other Americans to lose weight and eat healthy.

But it’s February now. Have you kept your resolution? Facing muscle soreness, lack of time, cold weather, and stress, your lofty expectations are in danger of being dropped, or worse, destroying your self esteem.

Take this quiz to figure out where you are with keeping your resolutions:

1) When you talk about your goals, you sound most like this:

A. I want to lose 50 pounds any way possible.

B. I want to lose eight pounds each month for 5 months.

C. I want to lose weight.

2) The chance of accomplishing your resolution is…

A. Not very likely. I know I’m being hard on myself.

B. Definite. I can do it!

C. Probable. I guess I can say I’m trying …

3) Yes or No? You have kept a journal of all your workouts and eating habits.

4) You don’t feel good one morning and wake up with a sore throat and a fever. Looks like you’ll have to skip your plans to go jogging. You feel …

A. Horrible. Skipping a day is just irresponsible. I’ll have to do double my usual lift sets.

B. OK. While you don’t like missing a chance to workout, setbacks happen and you can cope.

C. Relieved. Now you have an excuse to kickback!

5) Have you shared your plans with friends and family?

A. I’ve told everyone and my neighbor my routine and what I ate for the past week.

B. I told friends and family my plans.

C. Naaaah. They’ll make fun of me.

6) It’s Friday and time for a reward. What do you eat?

A. What do you mean what do I eat? I’m dieting 24/7.

B. One really good brownie. Sweets aren’t a sin.

C. Cheetos, Pizza, ice cream, a few cookies … Friday means I can do whatever I want!

7) Yes or No? You have a buddy to join you on workouts.

Scoring: Add three points for every “A,” two points for every “B” and one point for “C.” Also, add 2 points for every “Yes” and 0 points for every “No.”

0-7: You’re in danger of foregoing your resolutions all together. Try writing down your aspirations and get a buddy to join you for your workouts. Don’t be embarrassed about your goals; be proud of them. Don’t hesitate to define your goals too. When you’re motivated and confident, nothing will stop you, not even Cheetos.

8-14: You got this goal thing down! You know that being to hard on yourself can mean self-destruction and doubt in what you’re doing but also realize that a definite plan will propel you forward.

15-20: You are being too hard on yourself. While motivation is good, setting unattainable goals may make you bitter. Ease up, killer; maintaining a health routine means taking setbacks in stride. When you fall, get back up again instead of beating yourself up.
