Women’s hoops set to travel overseas … or not?

By Mark Pickrel

War in Iraq has hit close to home for a group of NIU athletes.

With the recent events in Iraq, the NIU women’s basketball team may not be able to go on its European trip scheduled for May.

The team was scheduled to tour Italy from May 15-26. The team would fly from Chicago to Milan, tour Europe and depart from Rome back to Chicago.

“I’m pretty neutral on the issue,” freshman center Jennifer Uptmor said. “I think it would be safe enough to go, but I know a lot of players and their parents are worried.”

While on the trip, the team would play a series of five games against different foreign national teams, and it would visit Florence, Venice, the Vatican and other cities on sightseeing tours.

Athletics Director Cary Groth discussed the matter with NIU staff on March 31 to make decisions on the situation.

“I ultimately have the final say in the issue,” Groth said. “I want to talk to [NIU President John Peters] and his cabinet before making a decision.”

The team has until April 11 to get its plane tickets, NIU assistant coach Jerilyn Cushing said.

All the money for the trip was privately funded.

“I was really excited to go before this whole thing,” Uptmor said. “I’ve been to Europe, and it’s amazing. I know a lot of the girls are down about the issue.”