SGA Senate passes $1.1 million budget for FY22

By Ashley Dwy

DeKALB – SGA’s FY22 budget allocated from the university is $1.1 million and was passed April 18. This is an increase from FY21’s $1 million budget, according to an Oct. 14 Northern Star article.

SGA Treasurer Devohn Hall proposed the budget on behalf of the finance committee which handles budget recommendations.

The budget breakdown can be found on Huskie Link. The funds allocated are an estimate based on enrollment, so if enrollment is lower than expected, then budget cuts typically are made to student organizations first, Hall said.

“Typically, we take the credits we do have so far already for next year and use that for the actual outlay of the data,” Hall said. “So, this (budget) is probably the lowest we would get. The only thing that would happen is if, unfortunately, COVID(-19 sent students home).”

University Services

The university services received the largest amount of the budget with $887,349. The university services include the Campus Activities Board, Campus Childcare, OASIS, Student Legal Assistance, Recreation and Wellness, the SGA and Military and Post-Traditional Services.

“(University services) typically get the most out of the budget because they have the biggest outreach to students,” Hall said.

University services received a $35,251 budget cut from their FY21 allocation of $922,600.

SGA will receive the most of the university services’ allocation, $307,649. This is a $47,649 increase from their FY21 allocation of $260,000.

Besides SGA, the only other changes from FY21 to FY22 are budget cuts from Campus Activities Board and from Recreation and Wellness.

Campus Activities Board will receive $96,000 in FY22, a $36,000 decrease from FY21, and Recreation and Wellness will receive $217,000, a $47,000 decrease from FY21.

Sports and Recreation

Sports clubs will receive $75,000, a $54,000 increase from the previous fiscal year, according to the budget.

Greek and Cultural

Greek and cultural clubs will receive a total allocation of $15,350, a $6,750 increase from the previous fiscal year. This will be allocated to 11 clubs, according to the budget.

All 11 clubs are receiving a budget increase from FY21. The most significant increase will go toward Black Male Initiative and E.B.O.N.Y. Women, who both received $3,000. This is a $2,500 increase from what both clubs received for FY21.

Academic and Professional

The 24 academic and professional organizations will receive $43,813 in allocations, a $32,513 increase from FY21. All 24 organizations saw an increase in their budget.

Mock Trial and NIU Forensics saw the most significant increase in their budgets. Mock Trial is allocated $9,000, an $8,500 increase from FY21. NIU Forensics is allocated $12,000, an $11,500 increase from FY21.

General Programming and Activities

General programming and activities include all organizations that do not fall under the previous categories, such as Active Minds, Women and Gender Advocacy Alliance, Deaf Pride and more, according to an April 29, 2019, Northern Star article.

All six organizations received an increase in their budgets. The Capoeira Club, Deaf Pride and Women’s Gender and Advocacy Alliance saw the most significant increases.

The Capoeira Club is receiving $1,638, which is a $1,438 increase from the previous fiscal year.

Deaf Pride is receiving $2,000, a $1,500 increase from FY21.

Women’s Gender and Advocacy Alliance is receiving $1,100, a $600 increase from FY21.

Security Fund

The security fund is allocated $30,000 according to the budget. This funding goes toward bag checks and security at parties held on campus, such as at the Convocation Center and the Recreation and Wellness Center, according to the April 29 Northern Star article.

Supplemental Funding and Executive Allocations

Supplemental funding and executive allocations are receiving $90,000, according to the budget. Supplemental funding will receive $54,000, and executive allocations will receive $36,000, Speaker of the Senate Brad Beyer said.

Supplemental funding is funding that any student organization can request from SGA through Huskie Link. On the other hand, executive allocations are funds used for initiatives that serve a larger portion of the campus. The incoming SGA president is Devlin Collins, third-year nonprofit and NGO studies major.

Editors Note: This story was updated at 4:10 p.m. April 29 to reflect how executive allocations are used. Executive allocations are funds used to serve a larger portion of campus, not a singular student organization.