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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Higher ed. budget cuts lack support

By Mike Solley | January 16, 1987

President Reagan's proposed budget cuts for higher education, which include a 45 percent cut in student financial aid, appear to have little support in Congress. The terms of Reagan's budget propose the elimination of 17 educational programs on all levels....

Doctoral students eligible for award

By Tammy Sholer | January 16, 1987

More than $98,000 will be granted to NIU graduate students pursuing their doctorate degrees during the 1987-88 school year. Jerrold Zar, Graduate School dean, said the Dissertation Completion award was established two years ago to support graduate students...

Pikes sponsor public telethon

By Daron Walker | January 16, 1987

Pi Kappa Alpha (Pikes) fraternity will be the local site for the National United Cerebral Palsy Telethon Friday and Saturday. The Cerebral Palsy Telethon is the first community project this semester for the fraternity, which is trying to improve its public...

During the telethon, the Pikes house, 900 Greenbrier, will be open for those who wish to drop off their donations.NIU takes advantage of mail discount

By Nancy Broten | January 16, 1987

The Materials Management and Business and Operations Departments have found a way to save NIU thousands of dollars in postal fees by taking advantage of a special presort discount offered by the U.S. Postal Service. To obtain the discount, NIU hopes to...

Union against losing service bonus points

By Pam Schmidt | January 16, 1987

Illinois civil service union employees from nine universities, including NIU, might lose service bonus points if a proposal to eliminate the points is approved this month by the University Merit Board (UMB). The Joint Committee on Administrative Rule...

Wirtz ‘eye-sore’ receives costly improvement plan

By Paul Wagner | January 16, 1987

The Wirtz Quadrangle, located between Wirtz Hall and the University Health Center, is about to receive an $85,835 makeover. The NIU Campus Parking Committee Thursday supported one of three alternate plans for the quadrangle redevelopment, designed to...

Programs to interest minorities

By Ginger Riehle | January 15, 1987

NIU President John LaTourette said he is concerned about the increasing number of minority dropouts cited in a Bell Commission report on educational responsibilities. LaTourette said there should be community action programs which work to make minority...

NIU athletics to undergo review

By Jim Wozniak | January 15, 1987

NIU President John LaTourette Tuesday ordered an extensive internal and external review of NIU intercollegiate athletics to clearly define the university's athletic direction. LaTourette said the review will be conducted by personnel inside and outside...

Hearing date is continued

January 15, 1987

NIU students Jerry Diaz and Peter Gogola were to appear in DeKalb County Circiut Court Wednesday, but the hearing was continued to next month. Diaz and Gogola, both legally blind, are charged with voluntary manslaughter for the July 22 death of a Genoa...

New director looks at position’s goals

January 15, 1987

The merging of NIU's telecommunications office with the computer systems and operations center has created a new position at the university. Walter Czerniak has been appointed director of Computing and Telecommunication Operations. Czerniak is a former...

Council to examine racial injustice

By Tom Omiatek | January 15, 1987

The formation of a University Council task force to investigate the injustice and violence against minority groups at NIU should be complete by the end of the week, said Jim Giles, executive secretary of the council. The task force will include as many...

Council to start drug task force

By Tom Omiatek | January 15, 1987

The University Council Wednesday rejected the initiation of the drug assistance progam on an interim basis in favor of a motion to form a task force designed for all NIU students. The Alcohol and Drug Assistance Program for Athletes was a comprehensive...