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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The marquee for the Egyptian Theatre hangs above the sidewalk on North Second Street. The theatre's board announced it is buying back properties it previously owned in the 1930's adjacent to the historic building. (Courtesy of the Egyptian Theatre)

Historic Egyptian Theatre buys back adjacent properties

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | February 14, 2024

In the name of preservation the Egyptian Theatre has recently repurchased properties it owned in the 1930s. The Egyptian Theatre is now in possession of the two nearby units, both 143 and 147 N. Second St. The board of the Egyptian Theatre wishes...

Frank Dicaccio, DeKalb's asylum seekers citizens committee representative, shares the committee's progress to the Council and the audience on Monday at the City Council meeting. The asylum seekers citizens committee is gathering assistance from local non-profits to accommodate migrants seeking asylum in the Chicago-land area. (Rachel Cormier | Northern Star)

City Council discusses migrants finding refuge in Dekalb

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | February 13, 2024

DeKALB – Conversations of how the city of DeKalb would support migrants seeking asylum from the U.S. border brought financial considerations and an update to a pressing national issue to City Council Monday. Council and community members came with...

Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Donut’s building sits with advertisements for their Valentine’s Day specials hung on their windows. Multiple restaurants in DeKalb are having special deals for Valentine’s Day. (Gabby Crabtree | Northern Star)

Sweet Deals on Valentine’s Day

By Gabby Crabtree, Former News Editor | February 13, 2024

DeKALB – Multiple businesses in DeKalb are taking advantage of Valentine’s Day and are offering special deals to customers and their loved ones. BASKIN-ROBBINS Love Potion #31, a white chocolate and raspberry ice cream with raspberry filled chocolate...

People are sitting at a table and talking. DeKalb Chamber of Commerce held the 100th Annual Celebration Dinner Thursday at the Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center. (Gabby Crabtree | Northern Star)

DeKalb Chamber of Commerce celebrates centennial celebration dinner

By Gabby Crabtree, Former News Editor | February 9, 2024

DeKALB – Honors of the 2024 Nonprofit Organization, 2023 Business of the Year and inductees to the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame were all announced at the 100th Annual Celebration Dinner. From 5:30 p.m. to 8:35 p.m. Thursday in the Barsema...

DeKalb Director of Utilities and Transportation Bryan Faivre (center) raises a glass of water at the Illinois Section American Water Works Association District 1 Water Taste Test Competition alongside representatives from engineering firm Willett Hofmann and Associates. DeKalb won first place in the district on Jan. 26 in Freeport. (Courtesy of the City of DeKalb)

DeKalb wins ‘Best Tasting Water’ in district

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | February 7, 2024

DeKalb will face off for the distinction of having the “Best Tasting Water” in the state after winning the Illinois Section American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) District 1 Water Taste Test Competition. The city of DeKalb competed against other...

Nick Newman (from left), Rachel Farrell, Julie Jesmer, Steve Honeywell, Zachary Harrelson, Brianne Harrelson, James Carlin and Clare Kron smile at the camera presenting a P.R.I.D.E. award. The Harrelsons' Bikes for Causes non-profit group was one of three groups awarded Jan. 4. (Courtesy of the City of DeKalb)

DeKalb’s CEC honors P.R.I.D.E. award winners 

By Nolan Morrissey, News Reporter | January 31, 2024

The 2023 Prestigious P.R.I.D.E. – People Responsible for Improving DeKalb’s Environment –  awards were given out to three groups who have proven to help and restore give back to the DeKalb community. The awards were presented during the DeKalb’s...

A silver car crosses the intersection of Lincoln Highway and Annie Glidden Road Wednesday in DeKalb. Illinois State Police are running a new “Road Rage, Don’t Engage” campaign to help combat road rage. (Sean Reed | Northern Star

Illinois State Police campaigns against road rage

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | January 24, 2024

DeKALB – Getting brake checked, tailgating or cutting someone off in the left lane. An epidemic of aggressive driving, known as “road rage,” has infected drivers all over the U.S. and Illinois is campaigning against it. “Road Rage. Don’t...

A 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle sits parked in front of a brick wall. The car is for sale by Classic Auto Haus, a car dealership set to open in February in DeKalb.  (Courtesy of Classic Auto Haus)

Mopars and muscle cars roll into DeKalb

By Brandon Clark, News Reporter | January 23, 2024

DeKALB – Shiny chrome, slick lines and visceral horsepower are rolling into town.  Classic Auto Haus of Geneva is opening its new indoor showroom next month at 215 N Fourth Street in Dekalb.   According to owner Steve Turner, the family-owned business...

Eric Armstrong, vice president of the DeKalb Area Alano Club advocates for funding for his organization on Monday at the City Council meeting. The city approved a list of human services grants to various local non-profits in DeKalb. (Rachel Cormier | Northern Star)

City council grants $700,000 for non-profit, economic development

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | January 23, 2024

DeKALB – NIU will contribute $2.5 million to the city for the usage of the Huskie Bus Line for 2024.  The five-year intergovernmental agreement for the university to use the buses for an integrated transit system operated by the city recently ended...

The Glidden Homestead sits surrounded by snow. On Feb. 4, the Glidden Homestead is hosting Soup-er Sunday where there will be soup, a house tour and information on horses. (Northern Star File Photo)

Glidden Homestead to host Soup-er Sunday

By Kaitlyn Lee-Gordon, News Reporter | January 22, 2024

DeKALB –  Horse enthusiasts and those looking for a local activity will have the opportunity to learn more about the history of horses at the Glidden Homestead. Attendees can enjoy a warm meal while becoming more versed in DeKalb horse history.  The...

Stephanie Meyn, a Cortland resident, shares a Crumbl chocolate chip cookie with her 17-month-old son Zachary. Meyn received a free chocolate chip cookie for having the store’s mobile app downloaded at the grand opening. (Rachel Cormier | Northern Star)

Crumbl Cookies comes to DeKalb

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | January 21, 2024

DeKALB – Normally chocolate chips, Kentucky Butter Cake and brownies are desserts that would all be found separately. But Friday’s grand opening of a Crumbl Cookies store in DeKalb had customers bringing home boxes of each in the form of gigantic...

A line of people wait outside the doors of Excelleaf before its grand opening. (Rachel Cormier | Northern Star)

Excelleaf grand opening promotes ‘high’ hopes for DeKalb

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | December 3, 2023

DeKALB – A soft drizzle and a cold winter morning didn’t stop a line of people trailing around Excelleaf’s building at 305 E. Locust St., anticipating their first purchase from DeKalb County’s first marijuana dispensary. At 9 a.m. Friday, Excelleaf...