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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SA Tenant Union gets new director

By Elizabeth M. Behland | March 22, 1988

The gap left by the January resignation of the Student Association Tenant Union director was filled Sunday when the SA senate approved an appointee. The new director will plan programs and events to help students find housing and resolve tenant/landlord...

Free condoms available to students

By Joelle McGinnis | March 22, 1988

Free condoms will be provided to students by NIU's Health Enhancement Services for the rest of the spring semester. Steve Lux, health educator, said condoms will no longer be sold by the University Health Service pharmacy. Instead, all condom distribution...

Assistant fights prof.‘s dismissal

By Katrina Kelly | March 22, 1988

An NIU graduate assistant has joined a physical education faculty member in protesting the instructor's possible dismissal May 10. Carlos Silvestre, a P.E. graduate assistant, began collecting signatures on a petition March 11 to object to the dismissal...

NIU logo royalties misallocated

By Tammy Sholer | March 22, 1988

Revenue from NIU's logo, trademark and design was allocated to NIU's Foundation, but the royalties should have gone back to the university. Lyle Monock, audit manager for the Office of the Auditor General, said revenue from the logo should have been allocated...

Hopefuls given election rules

By Christine Boike | March 22, 1988

The Student Association elections commissioner Monday addressed the eight candidates running for SA executive positions. Doug Moore, elections commissioner, informed the candidates of guidelines to follow prior to and during election days. The elections...

SAMTB approves night ride service

By Dina Paluzzi | March 22, 1988

The implementation of a late-night ride service, which will operate on a demand-response basis, was approved Monday by the Student Association Mass Transit Board. The service will operate from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Thursday through Saturday and will start...

SA debate set for tonight

By Dina Paluzzi | March 22, 1988

Candidates in the Student Association executive elections will be allowed to voice their views and platforms in a debate tonight. The debate between candidates for president, vice president and treasurer will be held in Diversions in the Holmes Student...

Council OKs academic calendar revision

By Katrina Kelly | March 21, 1988

The University Council approved two changes in NIU's academic calendar extending to the year 2003 at their March 9 meeting. James Lankford, chairman of the UC Faculty Assembly University Affairs Committee, said the first change involves the starting date...

Credit hour amendment suggested

By Sean Noble | March 19, 1988

Student Association President Jim Fischer presented his proposal of an NIU constitutional bylaw amendment to the University Council Wednesday specifying six credit hours as the requirement for the SA president to serve on the council. In a special meeting...

Pres. suggests tax break for college ed. savings

March 19, 1988

WASHINGTON (AP)—In a budget that calls for few tax changes, President Reagan today recommended a tax break to help parents save to pay for a college education for their children. The president, in submitting his 1989 budget to Congress, said he will...

Center gets computers

By Sylvia Phillips | March 19, 1988

Audio-visual equipment and computers have been added to the Foreign Language Center in anticipation of employment trends and the creation of a master's degree program. Marilyn Skinner, chairwoman of the department of foreign language and literature, said...

SCOPA wants classes canceled on action day

By Dina Paluzzi | March 19, 1988

The Student Committee on Political Action decided Thursday to ask NIU officials to cancel classes during the Day of Action April 13 and inform students about the group's efforts. Todd Kuzma, SA President Pro-tempore, said at SCOPA's meeting in the SA...