Report on dept. gets reactions
By Jim Wozniak
| April 29, 1987
NIU Alumni Assoc. honors U.S. deputy
By Ginger Riehle
| April 29, 1987
Sculptor shows African art collection at NIU’s gallery
By Kathy Sisler
| April 29, 1987
Star adviser, NIU settle court case
By Lisa Taylor
| April 28, 1987
Buses run on Greek Row as talks continue
By Deneen Smith
| April 28, 1987
Library’s public relations effort wins certificate
By Tammy Sholer
| April 28, 1987
IBHE joins drug education effort
By Pam Schmidt
| April 28, 1987
State rep. finds fault with BOR
By Paul Wagner
| April 28, 1987
Blackout planned for halls
April 28, 1987
Organizations join to dance, promote unity
By Lynn Hammarstrom
| April 28, 1987
Investigating higher education
By Pam Schmidt
| April 28, 1987
Regents set graduate fee
April 23, 1987