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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Clash leads to second arrest

By Nancy Broten | April 12, 1987

NIU student Greg Thomas, 19, was arrested early Friday morning at his dormitory room in connection with Thurday night's "riot" incident between police and students at the West Lagoon. Thomas said two University Police officers came to his room, 715 Grant...

Pres. may complete selection

By Jim Wozniak | April 12, 1987

With one position yet to be filled, NIU President John LaTourette might complete the formation today of the NIU Athletic Department's external review committee, said Ken Beasley, assistant to the president. This committee will be the second part of a...

60% favor no smoke in lounge

By Tammy Sholer | April 12, 1987

About 60 percent of NIU students polled Wednesday voted to ban smoking in Founders Memorial Library's lower lounge. Of the 1,496 students polled, 938 voted to convert the lounge to non-smoking, opposed to 558 who wanted to keep the lounge as is, half...

NIU history prof. earns summer research grant

April 9, 1987

A summer research grant has been awarded to NIU history professor Bruce Lincoln to allow him to work on his planned book Red Against White: Russia in Revolution, 1918-1921. Lincoln received the grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a government...

NIU’s MBA program expanded

By Paul Wagner | April 9, 1987

NIU will expand its master's of Business Administration off-campus program this fall with classes being offered in Lisle and Schaumburg. egular MBA graduate programs will be offered week nights beginning in August in Schaumburg and Lisle, said NIU President...

NIU planning 27 building projects

By Paul Wagner | April 9, 1987

Outside contractors will complete 27 construction and maintenance projects proposed for NIU this summer, and the NIU Physical Plant will complete several others. One major project is the construction of a steamline tunnel between the west heating plant...

Alumni Referral Service helps seniors

By Nancy Broten | April 9, 1987

To assist May graduating seniors in their job search, NIU's Career Planning and Placement Center will begin its Alumni Referral Service Monday. The referral service assists seniors in connecting their educations with employers. Recruiting Coordinator...

Higher ed. issue provides platform

By Mike Solley | April 9, 1987

Ensuring access to higher education for as many people possible and working for job training are some issues on the platform of presidential hopeful, U.S. Sen. Paul Simon, D-Ill. Simon, elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984, authorized the formation of his...

Students vote on smoking ban

By Tammy Sholer | April 8, 1987

Whether or not smoking should be banned in the lower lounge of NIU's Memorial Library will be the basis of a student survey conducted by the Student Association Academic Affairs Committee. David Baum, SA Academic Affairs adviser, said the survey is an...

Social class, race add to housing difficulties

By Pam Schmidt | April 8, 1987

Housing has become a focus for viewing some of the major tensions and struggles in contemporary America, said Kathy McCourt, chairman of the sociology department at Loyola University of Chicago. McCourt spoke Wednesday to NIU students on the problems...

Recommendation receives mixed reaction

By Jim Wozniak | April 8, 1987

Faculty members and Student Association representatives of NIU's Athletic Board have given mixed reactions toward a recommendation from a board committee to reduce the two groups' membership by 57 percent. The proposal from the Ad Hoc Committee on Policy...

Labor hearings continue

By Tom Omiatek | April 8, 1987

Settlement hearings will continue on charges of unfair labor practices brought against the DeKalb Community School District No. 428 by the DeKalb Classroom Teachers Association after the two parties failed to reach an agreement. Robert Perkovich, executive...