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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Judicial office bans two from dorms

By M. Michelle Byrne | April 8, 1987

Two NIU students arrested for a fire which broke out last week in Stevenson Towers South are banned temporarily from the residence halls while awaiting their hearing at the NIU Judicial Office. John Belch, 20, 504 Stevenson Towers South, and David Pedersen,...

Students vote on smoking ban

By Tammy Sholer | April 8, 1987

Whether or not smoking should be banned in the lower lounge of NIU's Memorial Library will be the basis of a student survey conducted by the Student Association Academic Affairs Committee. David Baum, SA Academic Affairs adviser, said the survey is an...

Social class, race add to housing difficulties

By Pam Schmidt | April 8, 1987

Housing has become a focus for viewing some of the major tensions and struggles in contemporary America, said Kathy McCourt, chairman of the sociology department at Loyola University of Chicago. McCourt spoke Wednesday to NIU students on the problems...

Recommendation receives mixed reaction

By Jim Wozniak | April 8, 1987

Faculty members and Student Association representatives of NIU's Athletic Board have given mixed reactions toward a recommendation from a board committee to reduce the two groups' membership by 57 percent. The proposal from the Ad Hoc Committee on Policy...

Labor hearings continue

By Tom Omiatek | April 8, 1987

Settlement hearings will continue on charges of unfair labor practices brought against the DeKalb Community School District No. 428 by the DeKalb Classroom Teachers Association after the two parties failed to reach an agreement. Robert Perkovich, executive...

Fest bridges generation gap

By Ginger Riehle | April 8, 1987

There will be fun for all ages at noon on Saturday at the East Lagoon, when NIU hosts its Second Annual Generation Fest. Julie Lorensen, an NIU student who helped start the event last year, said NIU's Lincoln Hall staff and the Student Nurses Organization...

Hoagland, Powell win student wards

By Louise Koryta and Lisa Taylor | April 8, 1987

NIU student Chris Hoagland won the 1st Ward aldermanic slot in Tuesday's election, while the 87 percent student-populated 7th Ward will be represented by Mark Powell, who is not an NIU student. oagland squeaked by challenger David Napoli by 35 votes in...

UPs auction items in Huskie Stadium

April 8, 1987

Students in need of a bicycle, calculator, cassette player, watch or ring can attend an auction Saturday held by NIU's Public Safety Department in the center lobby of Huskie Stadium. Items recovered by the University Police, evidence from the UPs' investigations...

Council develops copyright policy

By Tom Omiatek | April 8, 1987

A new NIU patent policy for inventions of members of the university community and the formation of a task force to improve the teacher evaluation process were approved by the University Council Wednesday. The new patent policy, available to NIU students,...

Council hears concerns over merging depts.

By Tom Omiatek | April 6, 1987

In reaction to the lack of support for the proposed merger of NIU's journalism and communications departments, NIU acting Provost Daniel Wit has formed an ad hoc committee to review problems in the proposal. Jerrold Zar, dean of the Graduate School, said...

Voters pick aldermen at polls today

April 6, 1987

The outcomes of DeKalb's aldermanic races will be decided by voters at the polls today from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. esidents of the First Ward, which includes Greek Row, can cast their votes in the contest between NIU students Chris Hoagland and Dave Napoli...

SA splits funding among 6 groups

By Tammy Sholer | April 6, 1987

An ample amount of Sunday's Student Association Senate meeting was devoted to reviewing eight organizations' 1987-88 budget requests and allocating funds. Before the more than $26,000 Health Enhancement budget was OK'd, Michael Haines, Health Enhancement...