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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Provost candidates meet in forum

By Suzanne Tomse | April 8, 1987

General education requirements and teacher evaluations were among the issues addressed by two provost candidates at open forums held recently at NIU. Members of the university community questioned Mark Auburn of the University of Arkansas last Tuesday...

Journalism dept. honors interviewer

By Patte Semple | April 8, 1987

John Callaway, WTTW-TV's senior correspondent, will receive the NIU journalism department's award for 1987 Illinois Journalist of the Year at the 39th annual journalism banquet Friday. "He (Callaway) is a great interviewer. You could use him as a text...

NIU student places for second year in NACA paper contest

By Tammy Sholer | April 8, 1987

For the second year in a row, NIU graduate student Jeff Cufaude has placed in the National Association for Campus Activities' Prize Papers Competition. Cufaude won second place and $150 for his paper based on the the book, A Passion for Excellence, and...

Cancelled meeting raises eyebrows

By Louise M. Koryta | April 6, 1987

Students are questioning the motives of University Judicial Office Director Larry Bolles, who cancelled a judicial advisory board meeting last Wednesday to discuss revisions in NIU's judicial code. The meeting, which was planned to discuss a Student Association...

Sociologist speaking on housing situation

By Pam Schmidt | April 6, 1987

Single women with dependent children have the hardest time finding housing in the Chicagoland area, said Sociology Professor Kathy McCourt. McCourt, chairman for the sociology department at Loyola University of Chicago, has worked extensively with various...

Marxist writer lectures on youth

By Ginger Riehle | April 6, 1987

Maya Dunayevskaya, a Marxist humanist writer, will speak of today's youth and the youth of the 1960s at Carl Sandburg auditorium on April 13 at 7 p.m. The speech is entitled, "Youth of the 1980s, Youth of the 1960s, the Other America and the Idea of Freedom."...

Chase ends in arrest of NIU student

By M. Michelle Byrne | April 6, 1987

A high-speed car chase by DeKalb Police ended in the arrest Saturday of an NIU student who may be responsible for up to 45 burglaries. Police caught up with Michael Montpas, 24, 424 Lincoln Hall, in an alley near 318 S. Second St. at about 3:30 a.m. Saturday....

Annual industrial arts exhibit opens Friday

By Lynn Kallal | April 6, 1987

NIU will be hosting the 30th annual Northern Illinois Industrial Education Exhibit this Friday and Saturday. NIU will display work by industrial arts students from junior and senior high schools in 22 northern Illinois counties, said Gary Lintereur, exhibit...

Univ. limits transfer admissions

By Suzanne Tomse | April 6, 1987

Transfer student applications to NIU for the fall of 1987 will not be accepted after June 15 due to limited resources and an increase in applications. As of Feb. 19, transfer applications increased 13.6 percent since last year. Although the percentage...

Council hears concerns over merging depts.

By Tom Omiatek | April 6, 1987

In reaction to the lack of support for the proposed merger of NIU's journalism and communications departments, NIU acting Provost Daniel Wit has formed an ad hoc committee to review problems in the proposal. Jerrold Zar, dean of the Graduate School, said...

Voters pick aldermen at polls today

April 6, 1987

The outcomes of DeKalb's aldermanic races will be decided by voters at the polls today from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. esidents of the First Ward, which includes Greek Row, can cast their votes in the contest between NIU students Chris Hoagland and Dave Napoli...

SA splits funding among 6 groups

By Tammy Sholer | April 6, 1987

An ample amount of Sunday's Student Association Senate meeting was devoted to reviewing eight organizations' 1987-88 budget requests and allocating funds. Before the more than $26,000 Health Enhancement budget was OK'd, Michael Haines, Health Enhancement...