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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Police investigate mysterious shooting

By M. Michelle Byrne | April 3, 1987

A 65-year-old man was found dead Thursday by the DeKalb Police, victim of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound. The man was found in front of the building at 2621 James Court Apartments at about 2:30 p.m. after someone reported that a man had been...

Officials air views on street repair problem

By Paul Wagner | April 3, 1987

Although some streets along Greek Row will be repaired this summer, DeKalb city officials say the $1.2 million needed to fix streets in the north Greek Row area will not be available for several years. Streets in the north Greek Row area are not the only...

NIU illustration major wins Trib poster contest

By Christine Boike | April 3, 1987

An NIU illustration major recently won first place in a contest sponsored by The Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine by creating a poster and slogan for the city. Kris Pearson, a 21-year-old junior, competed against about 2,300 contestants who took up the...

GM offers special deal to graduates

By Lynn Kallal | April 3, 1987

Graduating college seniors and graduate students finally have the advantage of a simplified deal when buying or leasing a car through the 1987 College Graduate Finance Plan. General Motors Acceptance Corporation Financial Services is ensuring financing...

Law students make tax filing easier

By Tammy Sholer | April 3, 1987

Students confused about how to fill out tax returns will be able to find help at NIU's College of Law starting Monday. The tax return assistance is being sponsored by the law fraternity, Delta Theta Phi, through the law school as a public service so students...

Pres. calling for lasting solutions to parking crisis

By Paul Wagner | April 3, 1987

NIU President John LaTourette called for the Campus Parking Committee to work with administrators, chosen by LaTourette, to bring about "some definite progress toward a long-term solution" to the parking problem by the end of the 1988 spring semester....

AIDS lecture’s aim sparks debate

By Nancy Broten | April 2, 1987

An AIDS lecture at NIU Tuesday turned into a debate between a Chicago health clinic representative and several members of the audience at Montgomery Hall Auditorium. About 75 people attended the lecture led by Sally Mason from the Harold Brown Memorial...

Husband, wife design therapy approach

By Kathy Sisler | April 2, 1987

An NIU husband and wife faculty team developed a new approach for speech pathology which is receiving national attention for the treatment of speech and language disorders. NIU's Department of Communicative Disorders Chairman Jim Andrews and his wife...

Faculty backs proposed tax hike

By Mike Solley | April 2, 1987

NIU faculty and administrators have expressed support for Gov. James Thompson's proposed tax increase, calling the proposal a necessity if faculty and staff members expect a pay raise next year. Richard Beard, president of the NIU chapter of the University...

Annual gay/lesbian week features films

By Lynn Hammarstrom | April 2, 1987

NIU's annual Gay and Lesbian Awareness Week will feature films on gay relationships, gay and lesbian comedians performing in the Student Center and Jeans Day. Awareness week gives the straight population of NIU a chance to see gays and lesbians' side...

New policy gives patent, copyright to NIU inventors

By Tom Omiatek | April 2, 1987

A new policy endorsed by the Faculty Assembly Wednesday to patent inventions by members of the NIU community will give the inventor first rights in the use of the invention. Larry Sill, a member of the president's commission to develop a patent and copyright...

NIU credit union OK: students

By Pam Schmidt | April 2, 1987

Students might be a few steps closer to their banking needs next semester if the Student Association is successful in obtaining a charter for an on-campus credit union. The SA randomly surveyed 260 students by telephone in March on whether they would...