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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Extra bus hours get board OK

By Paul Wagner | March 31, 1987

The Student Association Mass Transit Board last night endorsed a proposal to provide additional transportation for handicapped and disabled students at a cost of $11,195. Busing graduate assistant David Agazzi said the board is required by law to provide...

CAB hosts famous 1930s bandleader

By Lynn Kallal | March 30, 1987

Take one Grammy award-winning saxophone player, add the talents of a seasoned bandleader and his band, blend together in a large theater, and the result is an evening of exceptional music. Woody Herman and his band, Young Thundering Herd, will be playing...

Committee studies NIU drug problem

By Tom Omiatek | March 30, 1987

Before a campus-wide drug education program can be developed, NIU students will be surveyed by a University Council committee. Jon Dalton, vice president for Student Affairs, said a number of things must be done before it can be determined what services...

Financial aid office urges students to use FAF form, not new Illinois application

By Paul Wagner | March 30, 1987

NIU's Student Financial Aid Office is urging students not to use Illinois' new federal aid form with advertisements warning, "Do not file the new Illinois application. File the FAF..." The new Illinois financial aid application is shorter than the FAF...

New directory targets women’s issues

By Kathy Sisler | March 30, 1987

More than 75 NIU faculty members, administrators and graduate students who have researched or made presentations on women's issues are now recognized in a new directory which summarizes their work. Sue Mellard, member of the Presidential Commission on...

Ombudsman search progresses

By Suzanne Tomse | March 30, 1987

In order to have a new ombudsman in place by July 1, the Ombudsman Search Committee currently is considering about 27 applicants and will be examining about 30 more applications next month. Committee Chairman John DeLillo said the committee will review...

NIU hosts conference on health services

By Lynn Kallal | March 30, 1987

New innovations in health services constantly are being discovered, and NIU is keeping up with education in these new directions. NIU will host a two-day conference titled "Changing Health Care: Education for the Future," April 9 and 10. At the conference,...

Disabled encounter discrimination

By Louise M. Koryta | March 27, 1987

Editor's Note: This is the last of a four-part series on discrimination at NIU. Today's article will focus on discrimination against the disabled. Discrimination against the handicapped is a problem which often is overlooked but needs to be addressed,...

Award allows prof. to finish MX book

By Nancy Broten | March 27, 1987

A $10,400 grant was awarded to Paul Culhane, associate professor, Center for Governmental Studies, Tuesday enabling him to finish a book about the politics behind a dismissed proposal for an MX Missile site in the United States. "It will be a very scholarly...

Two trials continued; hearing dates set

By M. Michelle Byrne | March 27, 1987

Two trials were continued Thursday in the DeKalb County Court House because the defending attorneys were tied up in other cases and a court reporter was not available. Preliminary hearings were scheduled Thursday at 1:30 p.m. for Alan Shubert, 21, 1307...

Major crimes up; overall rate down

By M. Michelle Byrne | March 27, 1987

Although the number of more serious crimes in DeKalb was up in 1986, the overall crime rate was down, according to the DeKalb Police Department Annual Report. The total number of crimes for 1986 reached 3,990—which was down 6 percent from the 4,252...

Halls take requests for rooms

By Paul Wagner | March 27, 1987

NIU's residence halls will accept applications for rooms next fall beginning March 30. Jack Felver, associate director of the residence halls, said currently enrolled students are given preference in assigning rooms until April 21. He said after this...