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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A resolution to end all resolutions

By Dan Martynowicz | January 16, 2012

Like many Americans, my New Year's resolutions last about as long as an iPhone charge. According to a study published by the University of Scranton's Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year's resolutions. Twenty-five...

FirstWorld is the Problem

By Kyla Gardner | January 16, 2012

I have a problem. I'm not sure what country, world or economic class of people my problem belongs to; a recent internet trend would have me believe that my problem, one of language, of an over-used joke, of a Twitter hashtag, is something an African child...

In Focus: Tips for getting through finals week

By Colin Remes | December 1, 2011

Colin Remes Columnist Study early and often, but study just a little bit at a time. Instead of going home and watching TV during your free time, pick up a review sheet or write a few words in that paper you've been putting off. There will always be another...

Take advantage of the opportunities Housing and Dining offers

By Martha Lueck | November 30, 2011

Drop the books and let the jousting begin! Usually I wouldn't say this, but when flyers advertise a trip to Medieval Times for only $25, I just can't resist, especially with stress of finals. Usually when trips like this come around, I tend to ease up...

What not to get your mate for Christmas

By Alyssa Pracz | November 30, 2011

Besides fighting viciously through crowds and rushing for the last pair of Ugg boots, Christmas shopping has another factor that could potentially make or break your relationship: What to get for your significant other.Now I don't have a clear answer...

It’s about time you let go of your parents

It’s about time you let go of your parents

By Colin Remes | November 29, 2011

There are certain aspects of the child-parent relationship that never change. When we are little kids, we go running to mom or dad with a scraped knee or if we have a bad dream. When we are teenagers, most of us want nothing more than for them to leave...

Mullen-Moore should be allowed to ‘eat more kale’

By Jack Baker | November 29, 2011

Chick-fil-A is suing a Vermont man for infringing on the company's trademarked slogan, "eat mor chikin." The company claims that the silk screened t-shirts and other items made by Bo Muller-Moore with the words "eat more kale" could hurt its business....

Deleting your Facebook profile has social benefits

November 28, 2011

Oct. 5: A day that will remain in infamy. The decision I made this fateful day would fundamentally shift how I communicated with everyone in my universe. The choice I made was quite possibly the best thing that I have ever done since the Internet has...


In Focus: What are the best and worst parts of Thanksgiving?

November 21, 2011

Jack BakerColumnistBest: The best thing about Thanksgiving is the food. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pie make it one of the best days of the year. How could anyone not love a holiday dedicated entirely to gorging yourself on food and then passing...

Post-graduation paths aren’t always clear

By Dan Martynowicz | November 20, 2011

Graduate school or real world, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of further education, or to take arms against a decimated economy. I would continue parodying Billy, but he's boring and this is detracting...

High school might have taught you more than you may think

By Martha Lueck | November 20, 2011

When I graduated high school, I was so happy to be done because I didn't have to relive those four years. But looking back, I underestimated just what I got out of high school and how my experiences help shaped my future. High school serves as the crucial...

In Focus: Black Friday Survival Guide

By Martha Lueck | November 17, 2011

Martha Lueck Columnist You should definitely bundle up! I know, common sense, right? But you'd be amazed at how many people seem to think the excitement for hot sales is enough to keep them from freezing throughout hours of waiting for the doors of Best...