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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

It’s better to try and fail than to have never tried at all

October 24, 2011

In my experience, the hardest obstacles to overcome are internal. Questions or doubts regarding past and future choices, life direction, convictions and dreams can lead to pain and uncertainty in ourselves. There is no worse pain than uncertainty in who...

Students should be more patient with campus tours

Students should be more patient with campus tours

October 24, 2011

Between the seventh and ninth week of school, students realize they are halfway done with the semester. After hearing someone in Neptune ask why they would have tours during midterms, I wondered if this was an appropriate time. At first, I thought tours...

Some NIU departments need more variety

By Jack Baker | October 23, 2011

Sometimes, I feel like I'm paying to take the same class twice, and it sucks. Last year, I took Media Management (JOUR 449) where we talked a great deal about media convergence and media conglomeration and the effects they have had on media and society....

In Focus: Why is our government broken?

By Aaron Brooks | October 20, 2011

Aaron Brooks Columnist Our government is broken because it does not work for the 99 percent of Americans but for corporations and the wealthy. As reported by CBS News in November 2009, a report by The Center for Responsible Politics found 44 percent of...

Does texting make communicating less personal? Yes.

By Colin Remes | October 19, 2011

Everyone can agree that our technological advancements have made our lives significantly easier. However, texting has increasingly made communication less personal. Because of this, messages are often misinterpreted and oftentimes unknowingly hurt or offend people.

Back in the day--before cell phones became attached to our hips, people had no other choice but to call on a house phone if they wanted to get a hold of someone. Nowadays, I often hear my friends say, "ehh...I don't feel like calling I'll just text them," when trying to get a hold of someone. Yes, it is more efficient at times to shoot someone a text if you have a quick inquiry, but we shouldn't make texting so much of a habit that it's awkward to call someone. I'm sure people have been in a situation before where they're arguing with someone through texts because they want to avoid the confrontation in person. This creates a problem because people sometimes read the message differently from the way you communicated it.

There is more to communication than just words. People communicate through facial expressions, their tone of voice and body language. Something you might be sending to a person might be sarcasm or a joke, but they might take it as that you're trying to be mean. Remember: All they see are words and nothing else. According to an article on titled "Types of Nonverbal Communication", "While nonverbal communication and behavior can vary dramatically between cultures, the facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger and fear are similar throughout the world." Sending a text that reads, "I'm fine," may make it hard for the recipient to tell if you really are fine or are upset without seeing your facial expression or hearing your tone of voice. "Depending on the topic of conversation it can be hard to do it through texting because people can take it the wrong way," said sophomore special education major Lauren Wright.

Using texting as a main source of communication also affects people socially. I know you're thinking, "Well of course it does, I text my friends on the weekend to see what's going on." However, if people get too used to texting all the time and rarely use a phone or have face-to-face conversation, it impacts the way they interact with people. It may sound silly but communicating everyday with people allows you to practice your communication skills and develop confidence in other aspects, such as an interview, a speech, or even just being able to hold a conversation.

I'm not trying to tell anyone to stop texting or that texting is bad. Let's be real, you're probably texting someone right now, just as I'm about to. The main point is to not let texting control the way you communicate to people. Still make the effort to call your parents just to hear their voice or meet up with an old friend to catch up in person rather than just the occasional "How are ya?" text.

Be more supportive of the LGBTQ community

By Aaron Brooks | October 18, 2011

A good vision for NIU would be continuing to educate students about LGBT history. My perception, as well as others, is that NIU could improve from good to great. I believe the next step for NIU is not the passive acceptance of all gender identities, but...

Guest Column: Old electronics should be donated, recycled

By Ryan Read | October 17, 2011

Picture this scenario: You are casually walking to class, listening to your iPod or checking your smartphone to get the latest news, and you walk by someone who has the latest tech in their hands. It's faster, slimmer and more energy efficient, and you...

President Obama should address Marijuana petition

By Parker Happ | October 16, 2011

Sept. 1, the Obama Administration unveiled a new addition to titled "We the People."The site is aimed at "giving Americans a direct line to the White House on the issues and concerns that matter most to them," President Obama said. When...

What’s the best way to enjoy Homecoming weekend?

What’s the best way to enjoy Homecoming weekend?

By Aaron Brooks | October 13, 2011

Parker Happ Columnist My roommate and I encountered a less than sociable person while traveling home on Hillcrest last weekend. Some hot mess decided a fence line would be a great place for a drunken nap, despite being in full view of the road. With a...

Republican GOP Debate: Winners and Losers

By Parker Happ | October 12, 2011

Tuesday, The Washington Post and Bloomberg sponsored the third Republican Presidential Debate at Dartmouth College. Columnist Parker Happ weighs in on the winners, losers, and surprise finisher at the debate. Losers Rick Perry Perry was not the cool,...

Instructors can be personable outside of the classroom

By Martha Lueck | October 11, 2011

Have you ever felt awkward seeing teachers outside of school? In the words of Janis Ian from the movie Mean Girls, "It's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs." But by now, we know that professors are not dogs and they should be treated as humans outside...

NIU, DeKalb need bike lanes

By Melissa Burlingame | October 10, 2011

A critical mass is the minimum amount of material (fissile, if you want to be technical) needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction. Without enough fissile material, nuclear energy cannot be produced.In the cycling world, a critical mass is an event...