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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Enough with Star Wars, Mr. Lucas

By Colin Remes | October 9, 2011

That's right George, I'm talking to you: Stop it. George Lucas released all six movies in the Star Wars series Sept. 16 in Blu-ray format with "never before seen footage" and "all new special features" because we are now in the Blu-ray age of home movie...

The new Facebook makes finding information easier, but is still creepy

By Parker Happ | October 5, 2011

"Hi! Welcome to the new Facebook." Ugh. Again. When the new Facebook made its debut last month, I had as much interest in learning about new privacy settings as listening to an entire Gilbert Gottfried comedy audiotape. Yet, with all great and addictive...

The new Facebook changes are an invasion of privacy

The new Facebook changes are an invasion of privacy

By Alyssa Pracz | October 5, 2011

If you think the constant Facebook changes are annoying, just wait for what is soon to come. The new Timeline on Facebook is just another way to share more information than necessary online. It decreases users' online privacy and, at this rate, users'...

People offended by “Schweddy Balls” ice cream need to lighten up

October 3, 2011

"No one can resist my Schweddy Balls," said Alec Baldwin in a famous Saturday Night Live sketch when he portrayed Pete Schweddy, owner of the holiday bakery Season's Eatings.It turns out he was wrong. Some people actually can resist Schweddy Balls.One...

Attending class is worth the trouble

Attending class is worth the trouble

October 3, 2011

Even though strong winds blow away your good mood, it is not an excuse to blow off classes. Instead of skipping a lecture, you could find that tackling the weather head-on actually brings great rewards.On a rainy Tuesday, several students from my journalism...

Start exercising now if you want to fit that halloween costume

By Aaron Brooks | October 2, 2011

A year ago, Jessica Jenks, a former colleague of mine, wrote a Halloween column reminding students that, "Your cellulite, love handles, stretch marks and cankles are not attributes that should be flaunted. Luckily, I'm reminding you to start working out...

NIU should accept more transfer credits

By Colin Remes | October 2, 2011

Like many students at NIU, this is not my first institution. According to NIU's website, about 85 percent of graduates have at least one semester of transfer credits towards their degree. I would very much like to know how that breaks down, however. ‘Transfer...

What is the best way to take advantage of Fall weather?

September 29, 2011

Aaron Brooks Columnist You should enjoy the last little bit of comfortable weather on your bicycle. There are tons of state and local parks within a 45-minute drive of DeKalb where you can enjoy some mountain biking. For leisurely adventures, I recommend...

Should corporations be protected under the constitution? Yes.

By Parker Happ | September 28, 2011

Having benefitted from the Bush tax cuts, and roughly 10 years of derailing government oversight, the American corporate world as it exists today would make Gordon Gekko blush. Certainly, American corporations proved growth is possible in even today's...

Should corporations be protected under the constitution? No.

By Aaron Brooks | September 28, 2011

The focus of today's debate rests in the Supreme Court's 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In that decision, the court overturned a century of precedent excluding corporations from "free" speech and legislation setting limits...

Tips on keeping your college relationship fresh

By Aaron Brooks | September 27, 2011

It is a little over a month into the start of school year, and love is blossoming all around campus. It is so cute to see couples waiting for one another to come out of class or hear, "I miss you babe," coming from a lonely lovebird after a grueling 50...

Horn honking should be protected under the first amendment

By Jack Baker | September 27, 2011

Our government is broken. Whether it is the local, state or federal government, it never can seem to get anything done. We have an ever increasing amount of debt, another potential government shutdown on the way and presidential campaigns that last forever,...