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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

We Can’t Wait: Helping Manage Student Loan Debt

By Barack Obama | November 2, 2011

Over the last few weeks, I've had the opportunity to get out of Washington and talk with folks across the country about how we can create jobs and get our economy growing faster.This is a tough time for a lot of Americans - especially young people. You've...

PowerPoints make instructors lazy

By Aaron Brooks | November 2, 2011

I am most likely in the minority when it comes to disliking PowerPoint presentations. I understand that PowerPoint presentations are an easier alternative to reading or buying the book, but the key word in this column is balance.Balance refers to professors'...

PowerPoints are useful aids for instructors

By Parker Happ | November 2, 2011

As a sophomore, my chemistry professor detested utilizing any other sort of teaching aid for note-taking except for the wretched overhead projector. She would scribble in handwriting as legible as chicken scratches with her arthritic, joint-bulging hand...

Age shouldn’t matter in relationships

By Martha Lueck | November 1, 2011

A major issue that sets college apart from high school is age difference in relationships. Sure, in high school, many students think it was cute to see a freshman dating a senior. But it was also weird, not to mention risky when it came to how adults...

Pause-Off provides resources for students dealing with domestic violence

By Colin Remes | November 1, 2011

One group that you might have seen advertised in chalk on a sidewalk lately is Pause-Off. Pause-Off is a peer educational theater troupe that acts as an educational tool and resource for students who may be dealing with issues of sexual assault and/or...

Paying student-athletes shouldn't be a priority for colleges

Paying student-athletes shouldn’t be a priority for colleges

October 31, 2011

The president of the NCAA now backs a plan that would allow conferences to pay student athletes, and it is a horrible idea. Colleges already spend too much money on athletics when there are far more important things that they should be spending money...

Helping students with their debt is an investment in our future

October 31, 2011

In this day and age, there are a lot fewer jobs that don't require a degree of some sort. Attending college has become commonplace. Even though students are leaving with a diploma, there are also a lot of students who are leaving with a lot of debt on...

Involved at NIU: Resources for parents, Pagans and engineers

By Aaron Brooks | October 30, 2011

NIU has over 400 student organizations. In the first installment of my "Involved at NIU" series, I highlight three of these organizations.College Parenting GroupCollege Parenting Group (CPG) meetings are held at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Northern View...

What not to do on the Huskie Bus

By Colin Remes | October 30, 2011

Many students at NIU use the bus system to get around campus. One of the largest "bus-utilizing-student-populations", are those who dwell in the Eco Park area and use the 05 bus. I am a member of that populace. This is my senior year at NIU, and I am...

In Focus: What’s the best and worst things about Halloween?

October 27, 2011

Martha Lueck Columnist Best: Dressing up. It's a chance to be fun in how you present yourself. Even if people judge you for dressing in a bizarre fashion, this is the one day of the year when you can go all out and not care if people think you look like...

Who is the one percent and why should you care?

By Parker Happ | October 26, 2011

For his on and off screen exploits, this year Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, star of MTV's Jersey Shore, will net an estimated $5 million dollars. Between a book deal with a six-figure advance, an endorsement deal with protein-infused vodka for $1 million,...

Horror films aren’t what they use to be

By Alyssa Pracz | October 25, 2011

Watching scary movies is a must during Halloween. There's just something about the season that makes watching them a little creepier than watching them in the summer. I feel, though, some of the latest horror movies are slacking in their fear factor....