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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

BSU needs to get its act together

By Kiara Herring | September 6, 2011

Generally on large college campuses like NIU, a lot of minority groups may feel underrepresented. Luckily for NIU, minority students have organizations such as Black Student Union (BSU) to help alleviate some of the problems they face on a daily basis...

Michele Bachmann tops her own ignorance

September 5, 2011

I need to make a correction. In one of my previous columns, "Michele Bachmann cannot solve America's gas crisis," I wrote that her promise to lower the price of gas to less than $2 per gallon was, "the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard from a candidate...

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? No.

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? No.

By Alyssa Pracz | August 31, 2011

With the addition of a new residence hall currently being built, I wonder what will inspire NIU students to live in the residence halls after the mandatory one-year sentence is up? NIU could make it mandatory for students to live on campus for two years....

Guest Column: The Three Rs: Focusing on Reduce!

By Melissa Burlingame | August 30, 2011

Melissa BurlingameProgram Coordinator of Environmental Studies After getting settled in from the first week of classes, some students may be wondering what can be done to support the Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. The possibilities to practice...

All I am saying is give TAs a chance

By Martha Lueck | August 30, 2011

Just when I thought all five of my classes were put into the perfect schedule to fulfill requirements and graduate on time, there was a dilemma regarding Sign Language 201. There was no professor for the class at the scheduled time. In this type of situation,...

Professors should consider cheaper textbook options

Professors should consider cheaper textbook options

August 29, 2011

Buying textbooks sucks. It is one of the worst parts of going back to school every year because whether you buy them from one of the stores here on campus or an online retailer, they always end up being ridiculously expensive.Freshman nursing major Margaret...

In Focus: Getting through year one

Aaron Brooks Columnist Do not give up. If you never have a moment where you want to give up during these next four years, then you are very lucky. For most of you, however, life will bring, at some point, overbearing hardships. Whatever those hardships...

Guest Column: An environmentally-conscious addition to student organizations

Welcome back to the red, black...and green! The year 2011 marks the beginning of new partnerships for NIU in the realm of the environment, sustainability and energy. A new student group hit the ground running in the spring, building services started testing...

Michelle Bachmann can not solve America’s gas crisis

By Jack Baker | August 24, 2011

Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann recently promised that if she was elected, she would lower the price of gas to less than $2.00 per gallon. This campaign promise was a little strange to me, because as of the last time I checked, the power...

Be optimistic about NIU’s future despite its past

August 23, 2011

It is a new school year which means a fresh new start with new beginnings for everyone, whether you're an incoming freshman or a soon to be graduating senior. To start the school year off on a high note, students should strive for a more positive attitude...

How to get an A in Social Life 101

How to get an A in Social Life 101

By Aaron Brooks | August 22, 2011

"Beep, beep, beep, ugh!" is how most upperclassman started Monday. Freshmen, however, had that mixture of excitement and nervousness that made them standout from the droned masses. Personally speaking, it is nice to be back in class, but my enthusiasm...